The Death of Media

Day 1,272, 21:32 Published in USA USA by Civil Anarchy

Understanding how the Media Module was killed is easy. Understanding why is another story entirely. After the latest admin ‘Improvement’, the fledgling activity of the Media Module melted away. For the first time in my eLife, an article with less than 10 votes can get on the same page as one with thousands. And yet, in light of this revolutionary movement that has not existed for ages, people simply will not take the opportunity to write and take advantage. The benefits of having a media presence are obvious. The greatest politicians of our country have media presence, from Emerick, to Croy, to Teucer. A proper stance within the media is absolutely integral to political and mass populous appeal. New Players, like Alexander Valkor or Chutley, have risen in the ranks of eRepublik simply by publishing quality material. Even Harlot, whose not truly know for his words, was the owner of three Media Mogul Medals.

Our current state of affairs poses the question, in an area of almost limitless possibility, why has the Media Module been whittled down to the extent that there are almost no frequent writers, and even less sporadic ones?

As the Secretary of Media for the United States of America, it is my duty to help disseminate information to the public. Yet, I cannot sit idly when an integral facet of this game decays and becomes pathetically small in the shadow of the great Collosi of DesertFalcon, Lieutenant Scheisskopf, Gulden Draak, and Flufferton.

Before any action is taken to remedy the problem of stagnation, we must first ascertain what truly ails the module itself, and whether it is a tall possibly to remedy such a detriment. First and foremost, we must acknowledge the problems created by the admins, for ignoring them is simply delusion. The most prominent problem noticed by the active community is that of the changes regarding Subscribers. Active players complain that the way the new subscriber function is displayed discourages them to actually check it. Personally, I check the sub module regularly, for it’s truly the only means to find my friends papers in light of the new divisions. Perhaps the problem of subscribers lies not in the presentation of the function, but in the reality that for most of the active community, they are not subscribed to the most entertaining, or highest quality writing. The manner by which we could address this can extend to four possibly, and non-mutually exclusive courses of action.

1. Highlight American Writers using the Department of Media.
2. List interesting international papers to garner interest in the subscriber module.
3. Employ more writers within the US Government
4. Media Module Projects

We could do one of these. We could do all of these. Each option could potentially increase activity. Highlighting American Writers would increase incentive for writing quality material. Fathering lists of International writes would increase interest in subscribing, as well as possibly increase relations with other countries, maybe even make a few friends while we’re at it. Employing more writers for a national paper, or individual department papers, is a strategy based upon those employed by various parties in the United States, and has some success in the Socialist Freedom Party and United States Workers Party. Over the course of the month, I hope to be able to employ each of these in one way or another. Finally, a lot of writers are averse to beginning the long trek to a Media Mogul Medal because of the simple work load that would come along with it. Media Moguls in this country each write dozens of articles, and work quite diligently to achieve the status. However, even more writers become disenfranchised by the extreme difficulty, and may even give up writing altogether. If the United States had a Media Mogul program, not meant to raise gold, but to assist writers who put out quality material, less people would give up, and more would pursue the goal.

If you’d like to get involved in any of these projects, shoot me a PM. Any help would be utilized effectively. In addition to help, I need your opinions. What do you believe is wrong with the Media Module? If I’m entirely off track with these ideas, say so. If you think the problems are unsolvable, post it in the comments. However, if you think you know how to solve these problems, constructive opinions are also welcome.

Let’s not just sit back while one of the most important module’s of this game decays in front of our eyes.

Civil Anarchy
Just a Crazy Radical