Cut the Crap... Let's face the Facts

Day 1,182, 00:44 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX

This will be no fancy article full of jokes and love, but it is time we faced the facts. The sickening mess that is our nation and its politics.

Listen and read -

I am disgusted by the in fighting our nation is experiencing. The abuse, the petty complaints, the arrogance, the rudeness, the lies, the mockery that is our senate and the downright disrespect to your fellow human being! It is driving many away, myself to the edge and many more just on the outside in the cold. Alone. Not knowing what to do.

Its time we stopped. This non-sense is just out of control. There is no specific person to blame, there is no one innocent in this. We are all to blame, all parties, all people, all senators. We as a nation have failed. We have failed each other, we have failed our allies and most importantly, we have failed ourselves.

It hurts to see that, as people, we can treat each other like this. There is no respect or understanding for each other and it just disturbing to the core to witness. Many of us are real Australians, and we as a nation have always been considered a nation of mateship. Many say we are the most caring of nations and the most accepting. We are.

But this representation I see on this game is not that same nation. It is just a mess of arguments. They are not even useful, meaningful or nor do they achieve a thing. We have lost our way as a nation. We saved ourselves from the PTO, we managed to band together and form one resisting force... We won.

But what I see now is just a complete representation of what happened before the PTO. The arguing, the useless fighting and the divide of a nation that welcome the PTO like an infection to an open wound. We are weak and a PTO or an invasion from an allied nation is ever likely and an ever growing threat.

The damage in fact that we have done to our allies recently, it is no surprise that an allied invasion is not likely. Yet the most depressing part is, we are too busy at war with each other, we do not realise this. We do not face this. We do not DEBATE about this. We debate about if this part of the law was followed... if we should have apologized or not... whether the seal, which is AN IMAGE was used correctly.

Our senators cannot see. Yet they represent ME and YOU, the people. It is time they awoke to this and did something that could let our nation into the light!

We are so low on funds, we are missing 3 of our regions, our alliances are in tatters and we cannot do anything but argue.

Petty grievances have gotten in the way of us leading ourselves out of this hole. Almost everyone is responsible. But forgiveness is a virtue and could be the one thing that saves us all. Forgive and forget the wrongs, the rights, the mistakes, the envy for anothers success and move forward together.

Let us unite as one. There are those of us who want change but it seems futile. But as one, we can do it!

As a nation. As eAustralia. As eAustralian's.

The time has come.