The big red button - Time to use it?

Day 1,182, 03:07 Published in Australia Australia by Goose Step

So I read Senate is going crazy again.

I must admit, I believe Xavier Griffith did wrong but using the 'senate seal' for the public apology to New Zealand, but should he be impeached for it?


I think a fair result would be for an official warning/caution to be handed and end it there.

Instead, senate is tearing itself to bits over this and do you think any of the other players who play this game really give a rats arse about it?

It should read no surprise that the ANP's biggest trolls are baying for blood instead of common sense. I should I know that it's way over the top - some of you were around when I wanted to impeach Cerri for treason - and you rightly shot me down quick.

How some senators can get away with this behaviour is beyond belief.

So what do we do?


We are screaming to impeach a speaker who, okay, can sometimes be a bit of a smart-arse and used a seal when he shouldn't have... but those same trolls will allow a PRIME MINISTER who has lead the country into war and a odd situation with New Zealand that no one knows what to think.

In fact, as Flatty pointed out, after this episode we don't know if we have any allies left!

So I challenge the senate to go HIT THE BIG RED BUTTON on the Prime Minister.

Sure, Paul Hamon will end up in charge and no-one will know what's going on for at least 7 days - but maybe it's the 7 days of peace and quiet we all need?

Go on Impeach - Senate is already brain-dead - just hit the damn button and STFU!

I'm CrowdedHouse... and DD will bitch about me posting near election time again