CP Debate Results

Day 865, 12:50 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Myers11

This summary was written be coolissport, he gets all the credit.

At 19:30 the country president debate started. I'm giving you a summary of the statements, questions and ofcourse the answers. Myers11 was the host.

Mitch Rapp
So i think everyone knows me i am running for third term and want to continue the good work.

Mr. Mitch Rapp sir, how do you feel about the eUSA leaving EDEN?

I feel great but soon they will form something newand then we chase EDEN and Brolliance away and we get something new so just the beginning of a new cycle

In the past months, we haven't seen or heard much from our CP and I truly think that's a shame. In the first place, a CP should be someone who has de diplomatic skill to speak for and listen to the people. 🙂 that's my main statement, I guess 😁

Discussion between Mitch Rapp (Bold) and Mattio.
So your qualification for being president is that you dont think i published enough? I'm not pointing me towards you, Mitch_Rapp what I am saying is that that's what a CP should at least do
Maybe that is the thing, not much happening
But there is much happening we were in the middle of WW4! You are the one that should speak to the people
Don't we have a minister of Health and Media?
There is a difference between the job of the MoME and the CP's job they both can write articles which inform people but the CP should be doing this to motivate people and keep them informed well.

Yes, mattio in your article article you said you want to work pm and cp works more together how wouldlyou like to arrange that, and could you tell as a little bit more about that.

It is one of my main goals to be active within the terrains a CP should cross, I believe that mostly means talking with PP's, the government, and also the PM.

I see really big percentages. Like 20% population increase and 10% GDP. How do you want to realise that?

The 20% population increase is something people were confused about because it's such a high amount. Afterwards, it might be even too high, but it wasn't my goal to be as realistic as possible with numbers like 13% or 11% or you name it... My goal is to build up a strong babyboom a babyboom that is built up this month and can seriously be achieved during other months. 20% is a goal. Something which we can keep an eye on

If you don't get elected will you still try and achieve this?

If I don't get elected, I will do the same things as I do now and last week.


As you just witnessed, the UNL is devided. I think that I can be the link between the people and represent everyone instead of a small part of the citizens. That is why I want to be your president.

How do you want to achieve this? And how do you think you can be a link between people?

By talking to everyone, hearing everyones views etc.

How do you want to talk to everyone i think you can't. Not everyone is reading a newspaper, or active on the forum.

I've been MoD, speaking to the old players of UNL and I also have been SoS of R&C, telling the new players what to do. I am online a lot and I think I can contact the majority of people, holding a neutral view myself. Not all people of course, but all people that come to IRC, the forum or read articles.


First i want to thank all the MY'ers showing up! ... I'm maartenw most of you will know me , I'm the spy in your channel , your brother in arms and just another fellow dutchman. I think a president should be someone who is neutral in politics and who can strong/proudly represent his country.(I am not pointing @ myself) I'm just another guy who try's to help you when ur in trouble :3

How do you think to be a CP. You don't have any realistic goals. So, what are your real goals?

I don't think I'll be CP my goals are unrealistic because my candidate ship is not realistic. I would say go for Win or go for Fun not something in between.


Then, our host Myers11 ask some questions to all candidates.

Ok, for the next question, What personal and professional; qualities do you think a president should have?
Mattio: As I don't have to repeat, I believe the CP first of all needs diplomatic skills. He should talk to everyone, which isn't impossible, meaning the government, the party presidents and of course the people of the country. A CP who isn't focused on the people, shouldn't be CP, if you ask me. After diplomatic skills, he should be trustworthy and reliable. Being online frequently is a must...
Mitch Rapp: He should be very active in our community and experienced he should know people important people.
Refl3x: A CP should be someone who knows the people that run Phoenix, so that they can repsresent our country within our alliance. He should be active, that is a must. And he should also know how the war module works, because the president orders for an attack.
MaartenW: As I said before I think a President should be a leader someone who can give you hope when there is no light at the horizon. And to ctrl-c my fellow candidates an president should be active and experienced and like mitch sai😛 The president shouldn't be another random politician for "the people"

Are good relations with ebelgium important?

No answer of mattio. He has left at 2😇0.

Refl3x: I think that it depends on the defenition of eBelgium if you say that eBelgium is the country as it is currently being ran. we shouldn't do anything to maintain our relations with the current belgium, what we have to stay in contact with the REAL belgians, not the fake EDEN TO'ers that keep attacking Indonesia 'because they needed it for their trainingwar'
MaartenW: I fully support ebelgium + the eBE/eNL relation's and I won't accept any hostile actions to them if they don't attack our ally's
Mitch Rapp: I am not that interested in Belgium as it is a puppetstate. I will focus mainly on our own country and PHX


Who should you vote if you aren't candidated?

Mattio: Refl3x
Refl3x: He doesn't know
Mitch Rapp: MaartenW and Refl3x|Casey
MaartenW: Doesnt know either


Currently, what,in your opinion, is the biggest problem the UNL has, and what would you do to fix it.

Mitch Rapp: The lack of new players working on forums.
MaartenW: I think our biggest problem is our bad relation with belgium we should stop talking like enemy vs enemy
Refl3x: I think the problem we are currently encountering is a lack of activity we need new players, but if these new players have the same activity as most of the people now, they are useless we need to get all older players active again.


What do you feel the main job of the CP is?

MaartenW: Representator of your country
Mitch Rapp: To work behind the political scene and improve this country.
Refl3x: I think the CP is the person who represents us within PHX and the world


Then Myers11 ended the debate, because to many candidates had to leave.

Thank to all the candidates that attended, Coolissport for this summary, and the People of the UNL! Vote on Monday for your candidate!
