CP Candidate Interviews (3 of 4)

Day 2,048, 04:31 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

As many may have noticed, my CP run ended tragically due to never actually having run. Given this turn of events, I am now trying my arm at political journalism. I hope you enjoy/are informed/learn something/begin to passionately dislike one of my interviewees.Note I didn't interview Arthur Cole because he wasn't on IRC and I lack patience.

First VictimGuest: Flatty

OK, Test Question, Favourite Breakfast cereal?


Incorrect. But we'll keep going anyway. What got you into eRep?

I used to play another game, where some guys were talking about eRep, I joined up with them. They all left and I'm still here. I stayed because of the community. I was able to have some fun with others and chat on IRC. There was also great opportunity to do something and advance myself.

What made you consider running for CP?

I had a run about 2 years ago and only just lost. I've learned a lot since them and changed greatly. Both RL and in-game. I felt that my RL schedule gives me more time to do the CP job better than I have previously had. With this combined I felt that I it was finally time to run for CP.

What makes you a better choice for eAustralia than the other candidates?

I think my other candidates are strong in their own right, but I think I am what eAustralia needs right now. That is a strong, stable and decisive leadership. I've made this very clear in my articles.We finally have a chance to get our regions back thanks to MollyJo and her government and now is the time to capitalise on this position.

in particular her MoD right?

hehe of course. The MoD is always instrumental in any military success.
I've been MoD many times under many great CPs, so I am no stranger to strategy or getting things done militarily.It's important to not squander this opportunity we have at last. I think I can deliver on this.Most of the people who know me will agree that when I commit to something I deliver results and put 100%. As such I can deliver our regions back and I think this is why people should vote for me.

Got any secrets about the other candidates I should know about?

I don't really want to fall to the level of dirty politics.

Got any secrets that the other candidates might say about you then? May as well try and justify it now.
I'd rather this election focus around policy.


Your Foreign Policy in 50 words or less? (I will be counting)

The top priority will be getting back our regions but furthermore to this, will be continuing our relations with TWO. We will go about this by committing damage to their campaigns before asking assistance with ours. But foreign relations are hard to predict, especially as the internaional scene is constantly changing atm.

NOTE: 52 words in length.

If you could have a terrible slogan to represent you in three words, what would it be? i.e The Liberal Party use “Hope, Reward, Opportunity.”

I wouldn't call it terrible, but I already use, "strong, stable, decisive."

Would you care to apologise to eAustralia for your previous acts of communism?

For a start, many of us are already embracing the communist lifestyle, through communes and such, but as you can see the ACP is dying, but I remain there because I am a loyal and dedicated member of any party I join.
I never really identified with communism, but enjoyed the community that surrounded the ACP at the time of my joining. As you may be aware, my political ideology is somewhat away from the left wing. For me, political ideology doesn't enter this CP election.What matters at the end of the day is the country and I will forgo my own interests and ideology for Australia.

My Summary: Once a commie, always a commie.

What are your plans for domestic policy?
I have outlined in my policy article, http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/flatster4cp-policies-outlined-2283570/1/20 my domestic policy.
Essentially I see that our international and domestic policies are interlinked. If we get back our regions (that can only be achieved by good foreign policy and defence policy) we will see domestic policy fall into place.Our economy will strengthen which will in turn help our MUs and citizens become stronger, but further to this new players will have a real fighting chance, that will build our population. My education policy is to promote the roles of MUs and Political Parties in retention, this way we can outsource a lot of the education work but also strengthen our new players.
I am a believer in the community, not the government or the individual. If we work together we can help new players, not if the government does it by itself but this can only really be effectively done by getting our regions back. Otherwise new players are often overwhelmed with a sense of disinterest at an occupied nation. I know I was when I joined and led to me not returning for quite a few months, but I noticed that we had at last a fighting chance, and that allowed me to stay because our economy was stronger and the community a lot more positive and open. So I see our regions as tantamount to both international and domestic policy.
😁 wall of text haha

Too right....

Victim Number 2: Binda33

Ok.Favourite Breakfast cereal?

Hmm. I tend to do toast for breakfast but love cereal as a snack. It varies. If I'm in a chocolate mood, then CoCo Pops of course. Otherwise, Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes. We tend to have half a pantry full of cereal at any time, for some reason. Must be because I always go shopping on an empty stomach, which is a big mistake, in hindsight.

Note: Suffers from weak-mindedness.

What got you into eRep?

I was given the link by someone I played Runescape with. I made the mistake of clicking on it. Lol. I was doing him a favour by being his referral.

Note: Played Runescape.

What makes you a better choice for eAustralia than the other candidates?

I think I'm the only one who wants to preserve our Australian Defence Force. I'm also probably the one who spends the most time on this game. I spend way too much time on here doing things and making sure things are done. If I lose I will still spend a lot of time here doing things for the ADF and in Senate

Got any secrets about the other candidates I should/shouldn't know about?

I am full of secrets, but you don't hear about them 😛

Your Foreign Policy in 50 words or less? (I will be counting)

Schmooze with TWO, work out who are still our allies and get our MPP list sorted.

(Bonus points for being concise)

If you could have a terrible slogan to represent you in three words, what would it be? i.e The Liberal Party use “Hope, Reward, Opportunity.”

That's a really hard question. Does it have to be terrible?
You could make what you think to be a good one, but it will still be terrible 🙂
I always hated school mottos like that. They almost never represented what the students really thought of the schools.
That's probably because the students never thought in Latin.
Um. How about: Community, Activity, Enjoyment
They all sound lame :/

Would you care to apologise to eAustralia for your previous acts of Cat Posting?

No. I feel that most eAussies are cat lovers. I have a policy of posting Cat articles when there is not enough media activity. If people don't want cat articles, they can always post more 😃 It's always good fun to post up a cat article and watch it get into the top 5 instantly when there aren't enough articles in circulation too. Lol

/me shines bright light in Callumh123's eyes

Favourite Breakfast cereal?
Cereal? As the middle class white kid I will choose Coco Pop Chex

What got you into eRep?

Well, from memory I saw some damn side ad on a forum I use to frequent. I enjoyed the initial complexity of the game, it was a challenge and it was engaging. These two factors kept me there in my first week, then when I began to introduce myself to the community that is when the hits just kept coming.

What made you consider running for CP?

To be honest I saw this opportunity for eAustralia a month before Molly was elected when we began to make initial contact with TWO. When TJ Norton resigned from last months race I was going to make my intentions clear and run for CP. However, I realised my running would only split the vote and I decided to throw my support behind Molly as her views were more appealing as she considered joining TWO. A move I found appropriate done the right way. By this time Argentina began to use TWO's support to beat back eChile and the balance of power in South America changed. I knew we needed some strong, someone experienced and someone who had actually been in cabinet the last couple of months to lead the country to the outcome that will ensue. I wanted to give back to the community that has done so much for me, by bringing them an ultimate victory. As current MoFA I have put plans in place and for the future on how we will win. That and I knew I could reinvigorate eAustralia's Info and Edu department.

What makes you a better choice for eAustralia than the other candidates?

Out of all the candidates I am the only one that has had actual experience in cabinet in the last 6 months. In Education and in Foreign Affairs. From recent memory I can't think of many positions in cabinet the current candidates have served recently. I am the most experienced in Foreign Affairs, Education and possibly also Defence. I have the time and the energy needed to help eAustralia liberate it regions, reform the ADF and bring eAustralia closer to its old and new allies.

Got any secrets about the other candidates I should know about?
Yes. Arthur Cole is a commiefascistislamafag.
Flatty likes Tony Abbott.
Binda is a crazy cat lady. WHY VOTE FOR PEOPLE LIKE THAT 😃

Got any secrets that the other candidates might say about you then? May as well try and justify it now.

I did not have any sexual relations with that bear. To be serious, I am sure they all have something they can use 😛 But I like to think I am straight shooter most of the time.

If you could have a terrible slogan to represent you in three words, what would it be? i.e The Liberal Party use “Hope, Reward, Opportunity.”

Tow Back the Boats. Sorry I had to use 4.
But on the record, Liberation, Energy, Reform.

Would you care to apologise to eAustralia for your previous acts of communism?
Err.. Umm. Ye..No..Umm..LOUD NOISES.

FACT: All candidates interviewed prefer Coco Pops. Is there a secret Coco Pops movement in eAustralia? Only time will tell.

Signing off after a hard day of journalising, this is Pat McCrutch, your first stop for news.

New Competition: Anyone who comes up with the best sign off for my political journalising gets 10 Q7 tanks and a kiss. Comment it below 😃

Pat McCrutch, Former CP Candidate turned Political Journalist.