Countries and Branding. [RO/EN]

Day 480, 05:16 Published in Romania Romania by MoonlightShadow

Inspirati de precedentul meu articol un suedez si un ungur s-au gandit sa particularizeze ideile generale (si probabil cu mult mai mult obiectivism) si sa vorbeasca despre tarile lor, asa cum o privesc ei. Well, daca sunt altii inspirati, ar trebui si eu sa fiu la fel de inspirat, ca doar a fost articolul meu, si sa vorbesc despre Romania, de data aceasta vazuta prin ochii mei.

Am putut observa (cu regret) mai multe lucruri in articolul anterior: in primul rand foarte multi cetatei
incapabili sa se detaseze de sentimentele lor patriotice, si sa accepte/vada o viziune mai larga (si normal infinit mai critica) in ceea ce le priveste tara lor draga. Una este cum isi doreste un cetatean al tarii x sa-i fie "vazuta" tara in lume, si cu totul alta este imaginea concreta. Dar, era de asteptat un asemenea aflux de "orbi". Al doilea lucru observat tine tot de limitarile personale, dar de data aceasta in corelatie cu "grupa". Ma refer la faptul ca daca undeva prin pacific exista 5 insule locuite de 5 natii, grupate intr-un mic areal geografic, sunt doua variante: ori respectivele natii NU au brand-uri deloc, ori au un brand comun.

Si acest brand este comun chiar daca locuitorii respectivelor insulite se simt insultati si foarte diferiti
de restul insuletelor din jur. Asta fiindca foarte putine tari isi permit sa pompeze zeci, uneori sute de
milioane de dolari in campanii de imagini, campanii ce doresc crearea unui "brand de tara". Iar in aceste conditii, restul pamantenilor "amesteca" locuitorii respectivelor insulite si ii branduieste la comun, sa zicem "ahh, ma duc in concendiu in Paradis, stii tu, in insulitele alea din pacific, Hawaii, etc".

Brandul de tara se construieste cu migala si cu multa munca. Are sursa primara in media si tot ce tine de media,incepand cu ziare, televiziuni, filme, radiouri, formatori de opinie, precum si in traditia orala si experiente personale (sau aproximativ personale, este suficient un prieten sa iti povesteasca cum a fost jefuit in mijlocul unei piete din tara x). Concluzia simpla este ca brandul de tara nu este egal cu "starea de fapt" din tara, ci doar asa cum este PERCEPUTA tara respectiva. O tara branduita "a hotilor" nu este locuita DOAR de hoti. De fapt sunt suficienti 1 % hoti, dar foarte vizibili in relatari media, si brandul e pus.

Si acum, sa incerc sa fiu obiectiv legat de Romania mea. In cazul Romaniei sunt simplu de extras caracteristicile brandului de tara, caracteristici mai degraba foarte negative: hoti, talhari, tigani, trafic de carne vie si prostitutie in Europa, copii abandonati adoptati-vanduti, politicieni corupti, saracie, lumea a treia, mai nou, criminali. Asta fiindca din 10 stiri pe care le vede cineva legat de Romania, 8 vorbesc despre asemenea lucruri, si doar 2 sunt neutre sau pozitive.Si asta NU doar in media internationala, chiar si media locala adopta mai degraba subiecte negative.

Abia in ultimii 2-3 ani Guvernul si-a dat seama de amploarea acestui brand negativ si au fost lansate diferite campanii de promovare care sa schimbe un pic imaginea. Rezultate am putea sa asteptam cel mai devreme peste 20 de ani, caci asemenea proiectari mentale cand spui "franta" sau "spania" sau etc sunt foarte rezistente la schimbare.

Precum am spus intr-o foarte mica masura brandul de tara este conform cu realitatea. Orice tara am alege, cetatenii ei sunt sa zicem 30 % compatibili cu caracteristicile brandului de tara, dar important este ca celelalte tari sunt compatibile doar 20 %, sa zicem.

Am trait in Romania toata viata (si aici voi si muri), de aceea pot spune ca stiu cu ce se "mananca" aceasta tara. De asemenea, ma diferentiez de multi cetateni deoarece posed capacitatea de "detasare", si astfel reduc foarte multe subiectivismul. Asa ca NU ma voi apuca sa imi laud pe nedrept tara, din avant patriotic, fiindca nu agreez falsitatea, sub nicio forma.

Pot spune ca intr-o oarecare masura (procentual vorbind) INTREGUL brand de tara al Romaniei este real. Avem si hoti, avem si prostituate, avem si copii abandonati si uneori si maltratati, avem si criminali, avem si tigani, bineinteles avem si coruptie. Dar traind aici pot spune ca NU mi se pare
ca la noi ar fi mai multi criminali decat la altii. Este vorba de procentaje si de balanta. Sunt suficienti 2 hoti in 100 de oameni,cei doi hoti vor aparea la televizor si lumea intreaga va spune "uite hotii".

Este exact ceea ce se intampla in Italia, cu romanii de acolo, unde o campanie asiduu a media a inoculat italienilor ideea ca romanii sunt cele mai respingatoare scursuri umane. Tragedia
(tragedie din perspectiva prostiei umane) este ca se observa cat de USOR pot fi manipulati oamenii. Cate cazuri intens mediatizate cu rele facute de romani au fost? 10? 30? 50? Sa zicem 50 de stiri negative, care au alimentat ura italienilor fata de romani.Inclusiv pt cei peste 1.000.000 de romani de acolo, care nu au facut nimic rau. Astfel 0, 005 % din populatie a reusit sa isi rasfranga imaginea asupra restului de 99,995 %.

Romania vazuta si traita de mine cunoaste si recunoaste asemenea caracteristici. Dar pentru mine inseamna si multe altele. Inseamna ospitalitate, simplitate, bunatate. Inseamna o istorie cu care ma mandresc (exceptand perioada fanariota). Inseamna o copilarie frumoasa, si inseamna o bunica virgula care chiar daca nu a avut "nivelul de trai" al unei bunici nemtoaice sau americane, sau whatever, mi-a darut in aceeasi masura (Sau poate mai mult) lucrurul pe care l-am pretuit cel mai mult:iubirea ei.Lumea a treia inseamna saracie (eu unul nu mai consider Romania ca facand parte din lume a treia de vreo 4-5 ani) dar nu inseamna abdicarea de la lucruri frumoase. Iar daca e sa fiu sincer, prefer un prieten sarac, dar sincer si onest decat un prieten bogat dar ipocrit si vanitos. SI nu ma refer doar la mine ca persoana, "prietenul" poate fi o tara vecina, etc.

Eu, ca de altfel marea majoritate a TINERILOR din Romania, traiesc o drama fantastica: "generatia de sacrificiu". Se intampla destul de rar in istoria tarilor, dar se intampla, iar generatia respectiva este sacrificata. Acest lucru survine cand setul de legi, cutume, traditii, sunt brutal extirpate din cultura unui popor, dar nu exista nimic care sa "umple" locul. Banuiesc ca v-ati prins ca evenimentul brutal a fost Revolutia din 1989. Bune, rele, pe vremea comunismului Romania avea un set de cutume, care s-au nascut din cutume mai vechi si modificate incat sa convina scopurilor comunismului. Nu aveai voie sa faci aia, nu aveai voie aia, era frumos sa faci aia, era bine sa-i urasti pe occidentali si sa-i iubesti pe comunisti, etc. Dar generatia din care fac parte s-a trezit singura, dezorientata, debusolata, fara directie si chiar fara sentiment national.Incet-incet a incercat sa "absoarba" din caracteristicile altor culturi,preponderent occidentale, a inceput un import masiv de "modele comportamentale".

Imi place Romania mea de azi? Nu stiu ce sa zic. Romania nesimtitilor care arunca gunoaie pe strada, a tiganilor cu lanturi de 4 kg la gat, a manelelor, a celor care au drept scop in viata "masini, femei, respectul dusmanilor", Romania care scuipa seminte pe stadion..ei bine, nu imi place aceasta.Dar Romania simpla, modesta, primitoare si calda, o ador. Problema e de procentaje, cati sunt egoisti, cati sunt altruisti si etc.

Cel mai important lucru de retinut este ca nu se poate spune despre o tara intreaga "este asa". Orice tara are orice caracteristica doriti. In orice tara veti gasi atat criminali cat si preoti. Dar este suficient ca o tara anume sa aiba mai multi criminali decat restul tarilor, incat sa i se puna in frunte un asemenea stigmat.Si in Romania am intalnit oameni prosti-bata si oameni care pot cuprinde imensitatea universului. Oameni fatarnici si oameni sinceri. Oameni buni si oameni rai.
Oameni falsi si oameni care aveau de ce si cu ce sa se mandreasca.Pe scurt, am intalnit si oameni care m-au dezgustat, si oameni de nota 10.

Si acest lucru este universal valabil. Precum am spus, chiar daca stiu ca o sa fiu admonestat de chiar concetatenii mei pentru ca nu m-am apucat sa-mi laud tara cu avant patriotic, am vrut sa subliniez acest lucru: toate tarile au in comun toate relele, ca de altfel si toate bunele. SIngurele diferente sunt de procentaje,uneori absurd de mici, dar suficiente pentru nasterea acestor branduri de tara. Luati exemplul cuvantului "mafia". Spui "mafia" si te gandesti la Italia, Cosa Nostra,
Robert de Niro, etc. Dar avem destula mafie si in america, avem Yakuza japoneza, sa nu mai vorbesc de brutala mafie ruseasca. Deci, nu exista vreo tara "asa". Exista imagini.


Inspired by my last article, a Swedish and a Hungarian citizen decided to shrink a more general vision and talk about their countries, seen as through their own eyes, living there. Of course, that brings into discussion the amount of subjectivity, but we pass that. I think that I should be inspired too, by my own article, so i`ll try to explain some other things, as well as talk about Romania seen by me.

I could notice (sadly) several things in my last article: one of them is that many citizens are just incapable to detach from their own personal feeling regarding their homelands, and see a better, larger, more general image. An image of reality, not what an X-country-citizen would love the X country to be perceived. Another thing it`s about joining several countries and cultures into “slices”. I mean, let`s say somewhere in Pacific are 5 little islands, inhabited by 5 nations. We have two options: either those countries have no brand; either they share a common brand. And that`s despite a particular inhabitant of one island feeling insulted by this “joining”. For a country to have a personal brand we need either a strong, powerful, multi-millennia history, either large amounts of money invested in media campaigns to “improve” some given country`s brand.

Country`s brand building asks for hard work and money. Primary source is media, and everything related to media (newspapers, television, internet, movies, radio), as well as opinion formatters and personal experiences (or related, it`s enough for a friend of your to tell you how he was robbed in the X country). The simple conclusion is that a country`s brand don`t necessarily resembles the reality, but just how this reality is PERCEIVED outside. A country labeled of “thieves” it`s not full only with thieves. Actually it`s enough to have 1 % thieves, but really visible in media, and the label it`s on.
Now, i`ll try to be objective about my Romania. For us it`s simple to extract main characteristics, which are rather negative: thieves, gypsies, human traffic, prostitutes going in Occident, abandoned children sold or adopted, corrupt country, poor country, third world, lately murderers here. This brand comes from the fact that out of ten news regarding Romania, some 8 of them talks about such things. Moreover, even local media tends to talk and spread rather the dark side of the country. Just in the last 2-3 years Authorities realized the size of this negativistic brand and tried to react, by launching some media campaigns, but such things can provide concrete results at least 20 years later. That`s because those mental projections when you think the word “Spain” or “France”, or whatever, are very resistant to change.

As I said, just a small amount of country`s brand resembles reality. Had we chose any country, we`d find out that 30 % of the citizens resembles the country`s brand. Important is that if we chose another country, we`ll find out that only 20 % resembles the same characteristic.

I`ve lived in Romania all my life (and here I shall die), so I guess I know how things are with this country. Also, I’m different than many people, because I am able to detach myself hence lower the subjectivism. So I won`t start to speak highly of Romania. But living here I can say that I DON`T BELIVE here are more murderers than in other countries. These things have to do with percents and media. It`s enough to have 2 thieves and 98 honest people, if those two thieves keeps showing on television they induce the feeling of a “thieves country”. That`s exactly what happens in Italy right now, where Italian media made Italians believe that Romanians are the lowest morals people in the world. It`s tragically how easy can people be manipulated. How many intense media cases were there? 10? 30? 50? Let`s say 50 bad stories, that fueled the hate of Italians for Romanians, including the more over 1.000.000 Romanians living in Italy and done nothing bad there. So to better understand those “country`s branding”, in particularly case of Italy, 0,005 of a population labeled and transferred its highly negative image to the other 99,995 %.

Romania seen and lived by me knows and reckons such bad things. But also for me it means a lot more. It means hospitality, simple people, kindness, modesty. It means a history that i`m proud of (except for 1700-1848 when fanariots took-over our country). For me it means a beautiful childhood and it means a grandmother which also didn`t have the “quality of life” of a german grandmother, or whatever, gave me the most important thing in the worl😛 her love. Romania being part of the third world does not mean abdication from beauty things. Anyway, I stopped to consider us part of the third world for several years. And to be honest I prefer a poor and honest friend to a rich, arrogant and hypocrite one. And i`m not meaning me as a person, “friend” could be anything, even a neighbor country.

I, just like most of the YOUNG in Romania, live a fantastic drama: “sacrifice generation”. It`s rarely seen in countries history, but it happens once in a while. It happens when the current set of laws, traditions, beliefs, etc, are brutally extirpated from country`s culture, but there nothing else to fill the gap. For us, that brutal event was 1989 Revolution. Good, bad, the communist era had its sets of laws rules and traditions, born out of older ones and transformed such way to serve the interests of communism. You weren`t allowed to do that and that, it was good to hate Occident and love Russians, etc. But the generation i`m part of found itself completely alone, with no support, no direction, no rules, no nothing. Even without a national feeling. Slowly we started to “absorb” from the characteristics of other cultures (occidental ones mainly), so a massive import of “behavioral models” started and bloomed. And this import will continue, that`s for sure due to the fact that we`re still in search for an identity, of our own. We`re trapped between our past, our ancestors, and our future, our children.

Do I like my Romania, today`s one? Hard to say, of course there are things I hate, like the paradigm “successful life= cars, women, respect of your enemies”, as well I hate some “bugs” implanted by communism era. But still I adore the simple, modest, welcoming and warm Romania. It`s a matter of percents, how many are good and altruistic, and how many are bad and selfish.
The most important thing to remember is that no one can label a country “it`s like that”. Any country has citizens with any characteristic you want. In any country you`ll find as well killers and priest. It`s just enough to have more killers in one country comparative to others, to get the label on. As well in Romania i`ve met stupid people and extremely intelligent ones that can fit the universe in their brain. I`ve met liars and honest ones. I`ve met kind and hateful ones. I`ve met falsity and vanities as well as people that could be proud of themselves. Shortly, I`ve met people that disgusted me and people deserving 5 stars.

And this is something general. As I said, I prefer to be admonished by my own people because I don`t speak highly about our country, because I wanted to make it clear: all countries shares good as well bad things. The only differences are in percents, sometimes really small ones. Take the example of Mafia. When you say that word, instantly you think to Italy, Cosa Nostra, Robert de Niro, etc. But of course we have enough mafia in America, we have Japanese Yakuza, of course also the brutal Russian mafia. So there`s no country “like that”. All we have are images.