Congressional Accountability

Day 492, 03:25 Published in USA USA by mjdiv

The first thing I would like to say is congratulations to all of the elected congressmen and congresswomen who won during yesterday's election and also a thank you to those who ran but did not win for taking part in the process which gives you the opportunity to affect everyone else's enjoyment of eRepublik.

The second thing I will say is that I am disturbed by how careless members of congress can be when it comes to our eLives in their hands, and I hope this new congress will be more responsible with the privileges they have been given by the people. I have seen that, when it comes to the end of a term or the time of an election, some (not all) members of congress decide to throw out nonsense proposals "for the lulz" as a last hurrah to what might be their last day in office.

As I was going through the laws being proposed, to make sure there wasn't a war coming about before I press my Work and Train buttons like I do each day, I saw a proposal to change the new citizen fee from 5 USD to 6.66 USD, and 7 people actually voting "yes" on it. While this probably won't pass, if for some reason it did, how comfortable would that make new people feel in the eUSA?

Another proposal was to change the minimum wage from 1 USD to 69 USD and again the same 7 "yes" votes. No, luckily this won't pass; but if it did, how would our eMerican businesses be affected? Many would be forced to shut down and put people out of work.

This is a game in which people can have fun in many different ways. Congress and the presidency should be taken more seriously, though, because it is not only your fun you are affecting; you have the power to affect the "lulz" of thousands of people beyond yourselves. I have spoken on several occasions about the fact that these nonsense proposals are a chance for people who really do not care about our country to try to disrupt the system of our nation. Even if there is a 0% chance of these "lulz proposals" to pass, it is a supreme waste of time of the congress, who could instead be voting on alliances with countries or meaningful changes to our tax system rather than having to waste the time of congress and the public with this nonsense.

What is also disturbing is that the proposals above were made by members of congress who were just re-elected yesterday.

I know that a single act may not negate the good that has been done, but I say this to our new congress: You ought to remember that the people didn't elect you for YOUR "lulz"; they elected you so that you could help make it more fun for the rest of us who voted for you and that is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. The decisions that should be made should have this question behind it: "Will this law proposal, if passed, make most of the people in my country have more fun?" If not, then why waste everyone's time?

If I were a member congress, I would not be bored with the passage of bills...I would think that my fun would come from the satisfaction of knowing that I did my part to make things better for everyone else so that those who would come after me could have more "lulz" than before.

Congress: We will be watching your actions. Make us proud to have you represent us by creating the eWorld we want to live in. Serve those who put you in power with responsibility and set the example that the world will see. Honor us with your commitment to the people so that, by this time next month, we can say we had the greatest congress in the greatest country of all and everyone will want to play for another day.

Have fun and enjoy another day in eRepublik!

*** UPDATE ***

All members of congress have now been made aware of this article and have been given the chance to comment/respond, before the general public, and many have done so below.