Citizens of the New Word, stand united!

Day 427, 23:46 Published in Romania Romania by dsalageanu

Yesterday, the intervention of the eRepublik team on the servers caused another severe disruption of the New World. In this article, I will refer exclusively to the premature closing of the Southern Great Plain region in the Hugarian-Romanian war.

As an eRomanian citizen, I have build my career in this game trough effort and enthusiasm. I never created a fake account and never used an exploit (except yesterday, I tried that avatar/XP thingie but found it rather late 😃 ). I have invested thousands of hours into this game (with an average of above 10 hours/day in some periods), I have bought many, many hundreds of Gold with real money. I have woken up on 05:00 in the morning when military operations demanded so and gave many times peculiar explanations to my wife (even thought of faking a mistress at some point).

And, most importantly, there are hundreds of people like me in eRomania and thousands in the New World. I didn't buy my achievements from the Admins, I worked hard for them, both here as in RL. And, after I looked many times in the eyes of the anti-Romanian propaganda in this game and stated clearly "we EARN our achievements", such a disastrous bug happened.

I will not accept the degrading of everything I worked for due to the lack of administration capacity from the eRepublik team!

I plead for an immediate opening of a Resistance War in Southern Great Plain (that way we would loose about 12-14k of damage, but that is irrelevant) and the continuation of the battle. I urge the PEACE forces to stand by their ally and to be on the other side of the wall!

These are times where regions are no longer important. Nor are countries or alliances. There is something much greater at stake: we might remain without a game to play. The only really important factor in this equation is the existence of the eRepublik community. If that goes away, it is realy game over...