Chile, Welcome hONE

Day 1,560, 18:03 Published in Argentina Argentina by bennyto

Porque hay varios argentinos que no quieren a Chile?
Porque algun Argentino inclusive intenta entrar al congreso chileno?
Porque la disputa permanente entre chile y argentina?

Why re there so many argentineans that dislike Chile?
Why is that, one of them is trying to enter to the Chilean congress?
Why re the reasons of this permanent conflict between Argentina and Chile?

Ya hemos visto y hemos registrado mediante cientos de screens a Chile pegando por España, los hemos visto pegando por Nueva Zelanda, los hemos visto pegando por Bolivia, los hemos visto pegando por Paraguay, hoy, los vemos pegando nada mas y nada menos que por Iran en contra de Turkia

We have already seen and taken hundreds of screens of them fighting for Spain, New Zealand, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru and now, we can see them fighting for Iran (ONE) against Turkey (TEDEN).

Tengamos en cuenta los siguientes MPPS de cada pais:

Lets have a look to each country's MPP:

Viendo estos mpps y sabiendo un poco de ehistoria, nos damos cuenta que Turkia es un pais Pro Teden, mientras que Iran es un pais que claramente juega para el otro bando, entonces porque en una batalla cerrada, nos encontramos con esto???

By plain sight, and having a little of ehistory knowledge, we can see that eTurkey is a Pro-TEDEN country while Iran is a country that is right now clearly on the other side of the table, then why in this extremely hard battle, we find things like these

Iran es un pais mienbro de la alianza ONE, esto no detiene a Chile, quien entrega todo su poderio militar en post de defender a otro de sus aliados, aqui vemos gente importantisima de Chile pegando sin ningun inconveniente a favor de paises que comunmente envia a sus soldados a pegar en contra de Terra (alianza a la que "oficialmente" pertenece Chile)

Iran being member of the ONE alliance doesnt stop Chile from going and fighting for them with all they ve got. Here we can see very important Chilean people fighting for a country that is always sending its people and army to fight against EDEN and TERRA (Chile's alliance).

¿Es esto suficiente motivo para que creer que Chile ha abandonado oficialmente la alianza Terra para unirse finalmente a ONE?

Does this mean Chile has left TERRA, and is finally joining ONE?

Esto no es reciente, data de hace muchisimo tiempo, siguen pasando los meses y al parecer Chile no se cansa de jgar para ambos lados, es asi como muchos Argentinos nos preguntamos, ¿Chile welcome hONE? o continuas sin definir tu camino?

This kind of things have been happening from a long time ago, and it seems Chile will never get tired of playing and fighting for both sides. Because of all these, a lot of Argentineans ask themselves: Chile, Welcome hONE? or are you still without a course?

En el articulo de Silent night podemos ver otros momentos en la vida de Chile:

En fin, me he cansado de subir fotos, leo llora Argentina en los comentarios a modo trolleo, pero al parecer no existen explicaciones para este tipo de actos...

Summing up, Im tired of uploading this screens, I read Chileans sayings "Argentina cries" but it seems there is no reasonable explanation for this behaviour

¿Esta historia continuara? no sabemos, por lo pronto ire a pegar por Turkia como contra Iran como seguramente hacen los paises serios de TEDEN

Will this story continue? We really dont know, by now I am just going to fight for Turkey against Iran, as real TEDEN alliance countries do.

Marras y Jean tambien?, todos los representantes de chile, Nihilista, Marras, chilenope, etc pegando todos para ONE 😒

Marras and Jean, you too? Every single representative of Chile, Nihilista, ChilenoPE, etc. Everysingle one of them, fighting for ONE 😒