Chapter One Rude Awakenings Part Eight

Day 802, 11:48 Published in Philippines Philippines by Josie Brooks

Looking out through the smoky air, he filled his lungs with the familiar sickly sweet stench of burning hopes and dreams. The fire looked so beautiful against this early afternoon sky. He had forgotten how much fun this part was. Looking down at the ground he noticed a doll. It might have belonged to a little girl. The doll had black hair and a smile. Reaching down, he took the doll in his hand and viciously twisted her head off.

“I hate smiling children” he muttered and looked about for a black-haired little girl to match the disgusting little bit of fluff he now held in his hand.

Making his way through the devastation his band was joyously making he listened to the sweet music of the people suffering and felt true joy in his heart. His God would be so pleased with them this day, he might even receive a vision tonight to reward him for his good work.

Pointing his finger at a slightly newer member of the band, he barked out, “You! Find me the little girl that matches this doll!” and tossed the collection of rags in the direction of the boys newly scarred face.

The boy scrambles to catch it and, missing it entirely, fell on his face in the mud, splashing the boots of his commander. Looking up in terror he frantically tried to back away from the look that was being given to him.

“Look what you did! You got filthy mud all over my new boots!” the boot was lifted, placed squarely on the bridge of the boy’s nose and thrust forcefully back towards the ground. The satisfying crack of the boy’s nose, then neck echoed in Seisan’s ears like poetry.

“Now that,” he smiled to himself “was a proper apology. No matter, I will find her myself.”

He left the boy face down in the mud. That one will never miss a catch again. Laughter echoed off the walls of the nearby stone buildings that weren’t burning very well at all. They do make for a nice sound though. Plus, he liked the idea of the burned out homes leaving ‘bodies’ of stone behind. He always did prefer to scare whoever came next with all the bodies. This time there would be home remains as well.

Walking toward a building that wasn’t on fire yet for some unknowable reason, he went inside. Casting his eyes about, he searched for evidence of his chosen prey. Whistling lightly, he smiled as he noticed a small bed with a flower-patterned quilt atop it. Approaching slowly, his keen ears picked out very heavy breathing from below. Chuckling to himself he walked back and forth very slowly in front of the bed. The girl was so afraid he could feel it in the air, like an electric charge. It was magnificent, her fear. He couldn’t wait to actually see it.

Suddenly, he reached down and yanked the girl by the arm into the air in front of him. She began to sob, begging with him in her foreign tongue for her life. He couldn’t understand a word of it but that is what he assumed she was saying. No matter. Even if he could understand it wouldn’t have helped. Erythnul demands the destruction of all good beings, even the beautiful young ones. Especially the beautiful young ones.

He left the girl’s home and carried her into the street. “Hey! I got a target over here! Anyone want to play?” he called out.

“Play!” came the answer from down the street. A half-ogre. Perfect.

“Come and get her then!” he called back, holding the struggling thing out by one of her frail arms. The half-ogre charged them, the girls terror a jolt of pure ecstasy for him, and the last thing the girl saw before losing consciousness was his grinning face as he began the ‘game’ by swinging at her legs.

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The Cast of Today’s Episode

Seisan as Commander Seisan