Captain Quark to ILP leaders: Vote The Psych0?

Day 1,812, 03:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by Comrade Lovely

Since Conway unilaterally accepted his CS request from eUSA, Captain Quark aka Chickenguys (he had to name change such was his reputation) has been the subject of articles by eIrish citizens (see here and here) highlighting his attempts to buy influence by distributing free food. This is the same person who gave SAWC his CS pass to eUSA after he robbed us of 3 million CC.

Well, this morning we had another reminder of what Quark is about. Logging into eRepublik, myself, Liam the other ILP vPP and WHS the ILP/IFP CP candidate received the following, presumably sent to all eIrish citizens:

“Greetings Comrade Lovely,

The reason I am writing to you is to ask for your support on election day! The Psych0 is running for President and we need him to win. His skills are the skills we need to get Ireland back on track to prosperity. Obviously this is a very difficult time for Ireland so we need great leadership!

Please Read his latest article!

Thank you

With Love,
-Captain Qwark”

Shuddering aside at the 'With Love' sign-off: there is something worth remarking here. The relative merits of WHS and The Psych0 notwithstanding, how can Quark be taken seriously and lobby on behalf of one candidate and not another when he doesn't even know who's running in the election?! As Ian Coleman has said elsewhere, this is an election and everybody has a right to campaign irrespective of which side they belong to. I agree. But I think Quark's fundamental ignorance of who even the main candidates are and yet mass PMs all of eIreland is indicative of a person who has a formulaic strategy of self-promotion: latch on to an influential player, peddle influence and buy popularity to further their own agenda.

Of course, it's up to the Psych0 whether he wants to pal around with Captain Quark, but for the rest of us, I think it's pretty obvious that whatever Quark's agenda is, it's not in our collective eIrish interests.