Can't blame the soldiers

Day 2,021, 11:33 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

Greetings UK ,
Not here to write a nice victory speech or a thank you friends article nor am I bringing you an update from the foreign affairs department. I am writing because I am frustrated.
Yes , I know I am a Government official and that I am not allowed to go flaming.

But to be very honest I am frustrated, ashamed and a little angry.
I am talking UKs failing at the military. Why I always need to go beg for help with our friends when the UK would be very capable of handling it themselves if they weren't as lazy and undisciplined!

Only two days ago we had an epic win. It would’ve been entirely Thrilling, were it not that I was pleading and asking for help almost all day and so was Ayame crocodile during the night

Yes we were up against the Irish buying mercs so we couldn’t compete against that but todays battle against Ireland is not funded with mercs but yet again I find myself in a position where I again have to ask for help as our laziness brought us in a position where it is needed to bring the balance back in our favour.

We have 25 MUs each commander gets orders through an ingame personal message and is shouted throughout the day on #MoD channel. I think it is pretty safe to say that everybody is informed on what is expected of them.
So why do I repeatedly come across the situation that my daily orders are not set on the requested battle?
Why should I be surprised if even this isn’t done properly that our two clicking herd will even fight for us.
I can only conclude that this is the reason why our 1-2-3 divisions keep losing their mini’s and we are basically losing a silly RW without our disciplined allies in TWO.

Todays Dublin fight should have finished by now if things weren't left to Sunday blues or whatever. In less than half an hour the NE battle on Denmark starts.
Any suggestions?
And no CoT trolls this question is not directed your way

Yours truly,