Cómo Portugal declaró la guerra. Historia de 3 borrachos

Day 1,029, 02:51 Published in Spain Spain by El Bombero de la Manguera

Me he despertado hoy con ganas de trolear un poquito, así que he hecho este artículo. Votadlo para que los portugueses sepan cómo y por qué su Presidente lanzó la guerra. Lo siento, no hay versión en castellano que me da perezaca ponerme a traducir.

Os debe sobrar con el resumen de que el aburrimiento y el alcohol son mezclas explosivas.

VOTAD LA VERSION PORTUGUESA para que los lusos la lean 😃

Versión lusa:

This is the story about how the President of Portugal and his ministers serously decided to lauch an attack against USA. I hope you enjoy it.

Yesterday, 8:00 am. Portugal's Headquarter.

President: What do we have today?
Minister: Uh... coffee, I suppose. Nothing else.
President: Nothing? Again? There must be something...
Minister: No, nothing... well, just peace.
President: What? PEACE came back???
Minister: No, sorry, I mean... no war, only peace, nothing else to do.
President: Ah... ok... I'll go have a shower, I guess.

9:00 am.

Minister *looking at some CD's that were in a box attached with "TOP SECRET" in red*: Jeez, I already saw all my pr0n collection...
MoFA *coming in*: Hey, dude, something interesting to do?
Minister: No, nothing.

1:00 pm.

Minister of Defense, MoFA and the President are eating a sandwich.

3:00 pm.

President: Aww... why nothing EVER happens in this country. I am bored...
Minister: Hell yeah. Let's do something... why don't we drink all the whisky in the minibar?
President: HELL YEAH!

5:00 pm.

MoFA comes in: Hey guys, what are you doing?
Both: Drinking alcohol, come join, son of a biatch.
MoFA: Hehe, well, I suppose there is nothing else to do.

7:00 pm:

President: You imagine *hic* what could be Portugal? We could *hic* completely DESTROY our neighbours.
MoFA: Hell yeah! And take all their fu**ing whisky.
Minister of Defense: Or we could invade Russia and have vodka.
President: But they are allies...
MoFA: Who cares??? You have no balls or what?
President: No, I do, but...
Minister of Defense *doing chicken sounds*.
President: Bring me some rum with cola and shut up.

9:00 pm:

President: And what are we DOING?
President: And how are we DOING IT?
Minister of Defense: By attacking through USA!
All: Hell yeah, we will crush them to make a corridor to Russia. HAIL VODKA

10:00 pm:

President: Ok, ... you... *hic*. Where the hell is that button...
MoFA: Here Sir, but I see 3 buttons.
Minister of Defense: Ohh, fu**. Ya know *hic* which is the correct?
President: Nope... but maybe some Tequila will *hic* help me find the solution.

11:00 pm:

President: Ok, no worries. Imma push all the buttons. All of THEM *hic*.
MoFA: President, I love you, you aaaare my best friend. And I do nooot say this 'couse I'm drunk as hell.

The rest is history. BTW, Portugal, you rock, with 2 big balls. First USA and then TO RUSSIA 😃