Bro War One: The Titanium Paper

Day 845, 16:48 Published in USA Canada by Tyler F Durden

Ohai Bros! I am here to talk to you about Titanium! If you read the latest eRep Insider, you will have heard about Diamonds being replaced with Titanium. Titanium will be used to build Helicopters and Tanks - two High Q Weapons in V2.

From the article, "Based on your feedback regarding the pretty rare Titanium, we decided to keep the Iron resource in game, which will provide raw materials for Riffles and Artillery companies. The current diamonds get converted into Titanium, which will be used as raw material for Tanks and Helicopters."

I can hear you scratchin, beginning to ask: "what you gettin at Durden?"

USA needs to be able to Shoryuken!
A strong Brolliance needs a strong USA.
Titanium can make this happen.

However I am not the voice of popular opinion on this matter.
Most want Canada to keep both Titanium regions, which will be Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Others want to rent out one region to the highest bidder - even if that is not USA!
I say that Canada does not NEED two high Titanium regions, but many wants thems anyways! They cannot lose Teh Precioussss.

I'm all up in ur internetz, hoggin' all the Titaniumsss

This attitude, shared by many prominent Canadians is not very 'Bro-like'. We have to start thinking about mutual success for Brolliance members. We should be sharing the wealth, not hoarding it. Besides the obvious - Canada cannot afford to have a wage war for Titanium labour. Land skill is going to be in great need, and wages in this sector will lead the way to economic recovery. The USA must also have this opportunity to create a balanced economy once again and provide for it's own armaments industry if we are to have a healthy Brolliance, able to provide it's citizenry with stable, reliable war opportunities. The Brolliance Economic Council will look to meet an understanding in this discussion.

Share those Titanium nestings I say!

Of course, swapping regions requires our two nations to be at war.

I think we should seize the opportunity to have our first "Bro War".

Bro War One should have a clear set of objectives such as NWT for USA. Maybe Washington and Hawaii for Canada - for strategic purposes. Canada having Washington and Hawaii would provide the Brolliance strategic buffer regions for any attacks coming from SE Pacific / Asia. Admittedly, Hawaii is a stretch. However, it would also put Canada in the position of spearheading any offensives into SE Asia while not having the USA be vulnerable to counter attack. Canada still has open MPPs with Russia. Canada could lead a Bro Backed and gasp - even EDEN endorsed attack on This Region then RW Alaska back to USA so Russia cannot into North America without triggering USA MPPs. Those darn pesky open 1 vs 1 wars, eh?

Click image to enlarge

North America after Bro War One. Also, other regions can be swapped for
entertainment purposes. New Mexico or Alaska come immediately to mind...

Call it 'Proxy Doctrine'. The USA would be shielded from attack and with joined forces lead expeditionary wars where they are needed without exposing the USA's continental regions.
Even if Canada were to lose the initiative, no counter attack would be able to effect either nation's original regions without the attacker declaring war upon the USA to be able to reach more Canadian regions. We spread out our MPPs so we don't waste gold on redundant alliances.

A few things to consider for Bro War One:

1. No attacking Hospital regions

2. USA Occupies NWT

3. Canada Occupies Washington and Hawaii

4. Initiative is swapped once a week between nations

5. Lotteries for Battle Hero and Resistance Hero Medals

6. Spin off wars to follow, Australia may need a hand soon too...

7. Harmonize Titanium Taxes between Canada & USA.

Something to mull over...

Broloha, eh?">