Bridge Over The River Atlantic

Day 782, 15:16 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Tyler F Durden">

eGobba eMap < Great for seeing how surrounded you are!

The following is an historical account of what has led
the eUK to be in the position it finds itself in today...

Summer, 2009...

I am eHungary! I am mighty! Whom amongst you will do my bidding?
In exchange I will ensure your continued political success.

Oh, here I am! I am Hassan. I will do thy bidding, master!
I also have a willing accomplice - Dishmcds!

Fine. You shall do fine. I will require one thing of you immediately.

What is thy bidding, my master?

We will require one of your regions to create a land bridge
to North America.

I don't forsee there being any problem with that.

You do realize that you are betraying your
historical allies - Canada & USA?

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it...

Yes, I am quite aware of the consequences of my actions. However,
I am supremely confident in your ability to shield us from the inevitably
righteous retribution to befall us for this colossal betrayal.

Oh you dirty, lowdown opportunistic basterds...I even let you
shave my chest and oil my skin for this shot.

So now that we are agreed, what regions do you have
over there to offer us, UK?

What about Wales?

Moron. We do not require your Saturday evening date!
We require a land bridge to North America.

I know, I know! Scotland, my master! Take Scotland!
We don't really give a sh!t about that region anyways!
Besides, not like there is any Q5 Glen Livet comin'
in from there!

Very well. You have decided....wisely

Goddamn English!!!
Where the hell is William Wallace when you need him?!?

Here we see how the world looked on Day 601...

Shortly thereafter - notice eUK occupied Alberta, New Brunswick, PEI, NFLD and soon to be Nova Scotia

Canada had been wiped off the map - refusing all surrender proposals. The USA was pushed all the way into Florida. Uncle Sam signed a peace treaty here and there - and then, like a coiled spring - sprung out from the corner in which it was pushed and together the Brolliance pushed every last PEACEnik out of North America.

Spain too was wiped from the face of the Earth. They launched their own war of retribution against France, which no doubt the UK has been following with great interest. Germany. Gone. Slovenia? Who?

January, 2010...

If I may, my master...uh, Dishmcds here. Serbia has been
asking me to inquire about Kosovo. They're quite adamant
master, they say they have waited long enough.

Does my facial expression convey to you that I give a
rat's ass about Kosovo? It doesn't even exist in eRep you moron!
Where do I find these 'allies'? FFS!

Planning the invasion of Kosovo - a region which
does NOT exist in eRepublik. Pictured above, eSerbian
High Command working out final details.
Clutched in his hand is the gag ball which
he wears when 'play time' comes around...

Back in North America, Brolliance and EDEN have been enjoying victory after victory.
They have eliminated Iran as a meaningful threat and removed Indonesia from their High Iron and High Grain in India.

We were mentioned! We were mentioned!
Victory for glorious Iran!!! Are these feathers high enough?

The Brolliance team working out the finer details of the
Allied counterattack, which included highly strategic targets
which at this time did NOT include the UK.

Now the UK finds itself utterly surrounded by hostile enemies wishing to drink the blood of retribution.

Entrenched UK "leadership" now realizes the position
they have put themselves into. Talk about betting on the
wrong horse!

Uhh...master? We humbly request your protection now...

Oh yes, of course...I'm just gonna go walk over here now...
follow me young learner, I have sneaking suspicion...

What is this?!? Some kind of trap? Have you betrayed us, UK?

They're falling for it sir! Should we get out the tea bags?

Yes! Initiate Operation Teabag! I love my small print!

This Karnataka High Iron sure has come in handy!
You from around here sweetheart?

Hmmm...this doesn't look good. Hey look, whats that over there?

*Hungary takes off to protect it's own borders leaving UK high & dry,
which is hard to accomplish in a region where it rains non stop.

Eugene Harlot: "Leave Dishmcds for me...I have been
waiting for this for a LONG time".

USA, Spain, Canada. Oh look, there you are UK!
United Faildom, meet submachine gun!

Let's get it on!

We'll hit that button eventually...after all, it wouldn't be an Allied Surprise Attack if we didn't inundate you to death first with warnings of impending doom.