Day 886, 21:53 Published in Brazil Brazil by Dio Shev

─────── کلمات ساخته شده از شن و ماسه ───────

???, eMundo – Senhores, tenho o orgulho de tornar público o sucesso de nossa primeira operação espacial, denominada BARATO ESPACIAL, a qual contou com o apoio tecnológico de cientistas Paquistaneses enviados diretamente pelo e😜residente AgentChieftain, Sumo Sacerdote do Dioísmo.

Idealizada secretamente pelo diretor do Centro Aeroespacial Nacional (Sr. V.) e construída por cientistas Dioístas (Brasileiros e Paquistaneses), o BROGUETE-I foi
a) Attempt I:
Subject: bitch
Result: failure: bitches cannot into Space

b) Attempt II:
Subject: pig
Result: failure: pigs cannot into Space

c) Attempt III:
Subject: monkey
Result: failure: monkeys cannot into Space

d) Attempt IV:
Subject: banana
Result: failure: bananas cannot into Space

e) Attempt V:
Subject: Reshev riding a giant banana
Results: partial success: banana disappeared into a black hole

Conclusion: bitches, pigs, monkeys and bananas cannot into Space. Faggots can.

According to the director of CAN, the mission has as primary goal the construction of the first Brazilian mothership, from which the Government would launch mapping and spying probes to other military aerospace vehicles.

Military sector entrepreneurs watch the launch

ブラジルはスペースを支配している!, shouts the Japanese visitor


Among the rocket crew is Donarudo - the Pakistani weapon of mass destruction - which is responsible for ensuring the protection of the brave Dionauts involved in the mission. The team's confidence in the humanoid is such that they decided to grant him the title of "Space Admiral".

Picture of "Space Admiral" Donarudo: one of the first images sent by BROCKET-I's crew

There is no deadline for mothership's completion, although there are rumors that CAN is involved for a long time in space exploration since its participation in the repair of
TIDUS-II satellite. For those unaware, Brazil and Pakistan have ancient ties of brotherhood, being our country the first nation to adopt Dioism as its official religion, as published in newspapers of that time.


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