Battle 10K: Limpopo

Day 881, 00:00 Published in South Africa Canada by Tyler F Durden

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EPIC Battle! One for the books!

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One of the hardest fought battles in eRep history goes to Phoenix.
Battalgazi comes in after watching EDEN/Bros start tanking and puts it out of reach, taking the Battle Hero Medal - his 89th overall!

Gregor Lucius picks up the Battle hero medal for the Resistance, his 2nd overall.

Keep burning the money, eRepublikans!

With just 20 minutes it looked as though Limpopo was going to be liberated...

...but as we have seen many times - for BOTH sides, it ain't over until Zoli's mom sings!

Where were YOU for Battle 10,000?

'That Close Guy' says:
Let's do it again Phoenix...when you've stolen more multi milk money!

Relate😛 Bogdan_L, From The Shelf:
10000: Limpopo, and Look What The Stork Brought!

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