Baltic gang bang (112th issue)

Day 951, 13:56 Published in United Kingdom Latvia by SpeedKing" />

Now, if you remember my last article, Latvia was kicked out of Phoenix for attacking Estonia and not accepting the punishment on which its member states agreed. That happened exactly one week ago.

Latvian president Amakatanav (roughly translated as "But there's no wallet&quot😉 promised fun and wars in his presidential campaign. Frustrated citizens called him Akaratanav (But there's no war), however, his party and forces friendly to the current leadership retained their congress majority.

Ignoring the numerous alternative, yet, a bit harder possibilities how to get war and not make your country look like a bunch of backstabbers while making yourself look like a complete arse, Amakatanav chose the easy way to war — he just signed an MPP with Poland. I admit, he needed a congress majority, but the president is the leader of the country and he led Latvia to this scenario.

Although the vast majority of eLatvians now support an alliance with Poland (which for many was something unthinkable a few months ago), there are still people who oppose this. Of course, he had to answer — why Poland? Why EDEN? Why backstab?

There were various answers to this, but the big picture (at least, according to president) is clear. Apparently, an MPP with Poland is the key to war. This way, it would be possible to attack other countries with the Polish MPP being a safety net in case there would be an attack on Latvian regions. An MPP with UK would just give training wars. Also, in case Russia would want to occupy Latvia, this way they could start a babyboom (too bad the last attempt at that failed miserably because nobody actually thought or did further than "this is an opportunity for a babyboom&quot😉.

About an hour before the MPP would be signed and active, Lithuania and Estonia started a preemptive strike targeting all four of Latvia's regions. It was either planned by Phoenix or at least both countries working together, considering the small time space. Latvia is not alone, though, in this war: it has the MPPs of Turkey, Slovenia and Venezuela (although it is unknown how much will the first two countries help, as they are now the enemy of Latvia).

There is a large chance that without the help of EDEN tanks Latvia will lose some, if not all regions. This mirrors the situation a year ago, when EDEN member Finland occupied two Latvian regions and had a deal with PEACE that they would not intervene. A bit later though, Hungarian tanks liberated Latvia and the Baltic country joined PEACE. As Latvia was surrounded by PEACE countries (and then neutral Estonia) there was no need of landswap ever. The four original Latvian regions stood there ever since.

The problem is, Latvia is in a strategically good position for war from EDEN point of view. They might occupy Latgale (region bordering Moscow) if they plan a large war with Russians, which would mean attacks from several fronts. By getting the Lithuanian region of Dainava, Poland would already get one high grain region which they desire so much. They might even ask for Zemgale (the Latvian grain powerhouse) for helping to repel the attacks, in turn giving them the chance to keep a worthless Lithuanian region

But only time will tell how things will happen.

Logic. It's important.">">">