Attention: eCanada Courts, AG, Minister of Justice, CP

Day 854, 01:38 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

Just when I thought I had seen it all...

It has been said that "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within."

"At midnight, I made a final decision on the fate of Samuel de Champlain through the proper channels of private arbitration before sending the case to the courts, and through negotiation between the defendant and the team of the Attorney General, the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, and myself, we came up with a settlement before the case went to the courts."

An excerpt from Teh Honourable Minister of Justice.

Treason cases do not get sorted out behind closed doors when you exonerate them. Instead, you rely on overwhelming evidence of innocence to clear his name.
You inundate the press with his innocence. In this 'case' - which did not exist, a bunch of SdC's friends cleared his name via PMs - NOT IN COURT, without respect to the citizenry he betrayed, then posted this "settlement" as a post on an open thread about SdC on eCan Forums

You see, he is not cleared of any charges - its that it was merely agreed that none would be presented. Zblewski lauds the AG's skill - yet wasn't it the AG that brought me up on terrorism charges on behalf of the State because I said I was gonna write an article and then once it was pointed out to him that he was violating oh, 9 LAWS or so the charges were dropped faster than pot out the car window when cops are trying to pull you over?

Yes it was.

I find it rich that Zblewski takes pride in negotiating a deal which finds SdC innocent when the PEOPLE wanted a trial - we wanted JUSTICE! Heads rolling down whatever named street the court is on. Certainly NOT to have his buddies give him a clean slate by donating a couple of guns to the Gov't.

The fact that half of this country KNOWS what he is and this sham of a judicial body DENIES without due process screams of arrogance of the highest degree.

OBVIOUSLY nobody TRIED to retrieve a shred of evidence.

Clearly, this case must have been prosecuted by Inspector Clouseau

After all - they would have had to solve Teh DaVinci Code riddle and read SdC's own Newspaper - or that of his Org.

They also would have had to sling shot Odyssey around the Moon by putting a square peg in a round hole by noting on what day the Citizenship mod was introduced and that SdC could NEVER have received French citizenship AFTER the Fall of Ontario because nobody did - we were all Canadian because the Citizenship mod was already in effect. He also didn't receive his French Citizenship after the Fall of Quebec either. For one thing, the Citizenship mod wasn't introduced yet - I happen to have a firm recollection of the day the Citizenship Mod was introduced....
For the second part, well you'll just have to wait for that.

If that wasn't enough, then they would of had to track down and kill Jason Bourne by reading the eCan forum threads about SdC where evidence was provided almost 2 months ago, after Ozzel O'Dunn granted him citizenship and he immediately tried to run for Congress.

There was no case yet everyone involved in SdC's exoneration refers to phantom evidence to point out that SdC "he didn't give any weapon." If there was no trial then how is he found innocent?
Of course, donation histories for the time in question have long expired away...

"Oh, he was a French Citizen by accident", says Zblewski, jfstpierre, the AG and Chucky Norris.

Samuel de Champlain applied for Citizenship of France and was approved as a Citizen of France on August 11th. Ontario fell on August 6th, 2009

The man who happily granted SdC Canadian Citizenship himself was approved for Citizenship by France on August 10th. I guess his was "by accident" too.

Tell me, how does one "accidentally" apply for citizenship of a country which he is at war with and not realize it? How do two for that matter?

Tyler's Verdict

Minister of Justice = Guilty, for feeling it was his right to pardon a traitor without due process and respect of eCanadians and failing to discover all the evidence that was posted in the very threads on eCan forums concerning this issue - including the very one he chose to post his decision on, in game on newspapers and citizenship application records...

eCanada Courts = Guilty, for it's mere existence, once again proving without a shadow of a doubt that the whole charade should be demolished. It has NO EFFECT on in game dynamics and is a waste of server space and time.

Attorney General = Guilty of failing to find a fire in a haystack.

CP = Guilty, for sticking his snout as CP into a judicial matter, a branch of Gov't not a part of the Executive's jurisdiction of legal intervention...

I vote non confidence of these so called "courts".">