Atlantis blows herself up

Day 548, 14:17 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by RepsaJ
The newspaper of the party GVD will be under another newspaper/org. Soon you would hear about it. Because it takes time to load the logo to the servers. I putted it as image above 🙂

Atlantis blows herself up

Like always, FailAtlantis tries to do something good. But it turns out to be bad. What did they do this time? Not much, they finally blow themselves up. Now even I did not see this coming. Neither this little war (click, click) in Europe. What really is interesting is the fact that the Atlantis secretary said something about English traitors. I mean... oooh. Now about the Sweden + Poland agianst Germany. Our research learned us that the Sweden 'loser President' wanted Germany, just because "we Swedes are Pure Awesome". Yea right, so awesome sooner or later you don't have much allies left. Or did u forgot this map? Now that Sweden wanted Germany. There were first some plans that Sweden would attack the Netherlands. But no, Germany = Germany. And I mean, of course they would not attack the mighty Netherlands. I mean who dares! But why is Poland attacking Germany? Just for the fun? Germany already started to cry here and here.

This are the last words of FailAtlantis, some of you might be interested.

EDIT: Map link fixed