April Congress Candidacy

Day 851, 05:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

People of London.

After a spell focusing on RL and party matters, Lemuel Gengulfus is back and ready to serve the people of London once more.
So why should you vote for me and the British Empire Party (and yes we still exists, regardless of what the party is currently called!!)?

Well – I am one of the few candidates for London that has always resided in the region. I have already successfully served London in a number of important ways:
- Former Vice Chairman of the London Regional Council (now disbanded after many months of service)
- Former Welcomes Councillor for the L.R.C in charge of welcoming and gifting new Londoners to the forums.
- 3 times London Congressman for the British Empire Party
- 2 times Super Soldier & 2 times hard-worker

Secondly, the British Empire Party is the only top 5 Party that has consistently stood up to the forum’s political establishment. The recent Take Over of the BEP by up to 40 members of the TUP, UKRP & their friends at the top of the military, is an example of how that powerful regularly attempts to silence any alternative, original and dissenting voices both in game & on the forums.

Many who have visited the eUK forums have told me that they have been struck by the closed and unfriendly attitudes of some of the regular posters towards newer citizens & fresh ideas. The BEP is the only Top 5 party that exists to speak up for those whose views are not represented by the establishment. Why should they listen to you since they are spending most of their time drafting “legislation” and probably have no time to address the concerns of the “lesser” eUK citizens? Well because this is an eDemocracy – you have a vote, ergo you have a voice.

If you vote me back into Congress, my colleagues & I pledge to do the following things:
1) We will press the case for a fully transparent report into the Tanking Missions conducted by the Government over the past few months. The BEP has learned of concerns about the way that the eUK’s taxes have been spent over the past few months on a few at the top of the military tree.

As many General Managers and employees know, income taxes over the last few months hav been set at a relatively high 20% - this has been justified by the cost of the war against the USA & EDEN, and of course the need to rebuild subsequently.

But where have our taxes gone and have they been spent efficiently?

The suggestion we have heard and would like openly explored by the administration, is that a select few at the top of the TUP/UKRP & Military have personally benefitted from the war by using taxpayer Gold to increase their ingame XP and ranking through “Tanking”.
There has long been a debate about the effectiveness of Tanking vs Spreading the Wealth – ie: helping lower strength soldiers level up faster as opposed to financially supporting more experienced soldiers/citizens. The BEP would therefore like to see this re-opened and a clear statement from the MoD as to who received Government funding for Tanking missions and how much was spent on each case.

2) We will continue to seek cross-party suggestions to find ways to integrate the Armed Forces better into the community, particularly at the earlier stages of an eUK citizen’s life. Given the rule changes allowing fighting at Lvl 3, early involvement is even more crucial to maintaining participation & ensuring a feed through of welltrained and high strength soldiers.

We will be seeking to open this debate based on our previously published Military & Social Reform plan: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/bep-military-and-community-reform-plan-1220437/1/20

3) There has been a lot of ill-informed comment about the BEP of late and many attempts by other parties to ridicule us based upon their misunderstanding of one of our aims.

To quote the article in question :
“The British Empire Party is now committed to being the only main party that stands up for what eRepublik truly is about – the conflict that is central to the game. We are the only top 5 party committed to being the voice of the military.”

At no stage therefore have we claimed that we are the voice of the military (seeing as we believe that the eUK’s sailors & soldiers are under-represented anyway, this would be tautologous!) – Instead we announced that going forward we were committed to representing the military – ie: those views that go unreported or unheard because some in the Govt or Military deem them to be “off message”.

Well people of London & eUK here is your choice: if you want a politician that is open, honest and will not patronise your views (however left field!); if you want more openness, more transparency and more inclusion in eUK politics; if you want a political arena in the forums where you can feel free to express any view you wish (subject to the usual Mod laws on decency etc!) then you need to vote for an official BEP Candidate and for Lemuel Gengulfus – the BEP Party President in Exile.

Visit the Official BEP Party Org & subscribe to theBEP Telegraph to find out which regions the BEP is running it’s official candidates this month – or simply PM a member of the BEP Ruling Council – you can find their details here: BEP Ruling Council