And Then The Peace Broke Out...

Day 1,285, 16:48 Published in USA Serbia by Jovan Tekelija

To my eSerbian readers, чланак на српском доље.

As you can see in this article here , a peace ‘that would never come’ finally arrived.
Just to make it clear, the article was NOT trolling. The peace really happened. The attacks that occurred after this was made public(and which seemed to violate the contract) were merely just auto-attacks, as that, sadly, cannot be stopped.



Some people may have been surprised by the reaction of the eCroatian public. Several times, peacetalks like these were organized and if that reached public, the reaction was mostly very energetic.
This time, most eCroatians accepted peace, as they too, like everyone else, seem to be bored with the never-ending war that brought virtually nothing to either participant(except that rare moment of joy after a hard won battle).
They quickly accepted this after they were presented with the opportunities that arose with this agreement-road to Europe.

However, when the eBiH president, Mr Mobster1930, decided to change his mind considering the agreement and chose to fight, some eCroatians felt they were in some way acting traitorous to their weak, but nevertheless loyal ally. Pledges and oaths were made that eBiH would be defended even if the official eCroatian Government still supported eSerbia’s actions in eBiH(thus honoring the deal)

The Government in eCroatia did not have a fun ride after the ceasefire was announced, however.
Although they weren’t mostly criticized about the peace conditions(except the part about eBiH), they were reminded of their strong NO to such a deal some three months ago, when the current eCroatian CP’s party was in opposition. Their political opponents used this to label them as hypocrites.


The situation in eSerbia was very similar to that in eCroatia(so I will discuss just the matters that were different). There were many people who were voicing their concern regarding this matter. Some did it by offering logical arguments to support their claims, the other used swearwords or curses as their only argument is-CROATIA IS THE ENEMY! PERIOD!

The aforementioned logical arguments were mostly about the level of trust eSerbia can have in eCroatia’s intentions in eSlovenia(very close ally), or they were expressing their concern on what this deal will do to the active population of eSerbia. As I have explained in one of my previous articles, eSerbia’s BabyBooms were based on RL nationalism and the image of eCroatia conquering most of eSerbia was used to inspire newcomers to stay in the game.
That would mean that most of players would lose any game-wise motives to stay here(there are the nongame-wise motives which are people that they keep in touch with thru this game).

Even though Croatians and Serbs do not like eachother both in-game and IRL, they finally realized that they were acting stupid(yup, stupid) by constantly warring with each other.
However, this does not bring these two nations closer in any way. They will remain fierce enemies that will now fight thru MPPs.
Possibility of eCroatia-eSerbia being allied is almost zero. Not only is this owed to their in-game/RL animosity, but also to the fact there are some allies they would never turn their backs on-Hungary and Romania, respectively.

The possibility of these 4 countries making an alliance is even smaller, because ePoland would be in it probably. eSerbia would bring eSlovenia and eFYRM into it. Who would they fight then?
So, is eYugoslavia a possibility? -No!

-Attack on Slavonija after the ceasefire was announced
-Attack on other eSlovenian regions after Prekmurje was taken
This is all due to the genius admin rule of autoattacks. They were not intended, and they did not cause any major confusion or mistrust among the players of eCRO and eSRB even though some of the players in both nations that are against peace tried to use this as a proof that ‘the other nation’ is a backstabbing foreign devil! XD
Some eCroatians even moved to fight for eSlovenia because one battle seemed like it was going to be unintentionally won by the eCRO’s uninformed(2click) citizens or allies.

eSlovenians, at first, seemed to be suspicious of this deal, but then the welcomed the idea of eCroatia rampaging thru Middle Europe as that would mean they would finally be off of eSLO’s shoulders.

eCzechoSlovakia saw the light in the tunnel and realized it was an oncoming freight train and decided to RW the region that bordered eCroatia back to eAustria. This will only slow down eCroatia’s progress into the heart of Europe.

eSerbia is impeaching its current CP-Kibla.
It may seem that this is a result of bad work or the abovementioned peace with eCroatia, but that is not the case.
Kibla got a RL job right after he was elected. No one knew this as he disappeared right after the election. Some just thought that this was ‘his way’ as Kibla was a quiet, seemingly inactive player as he did not publish any articles or comment anything.
Only after 7 days did we find out what really happened.
One impeachment has already been voted down by the opposition which did not feel the need to take over the leadership when country was in huge trouble(to remind you, eSerbia was being overrun by eCroats and was down to one region)
After that, he appeared in some battles a couple of times.

The other reason lies in the fact that the man who proposed it-SerbianFenceJumper is in fact, a Texan nationalist who now works for the TX TO team in eSerbia.
This just goes to show that TOs can sometimes work both ways!

The second part, is of course, a joke and an utter lie…except for the part where SFJ is a spy. That’s real!

His name starts with a P and ends with an O. The middle letters can be found in the word ‘ALT’.

Got the idea?

eCRO-eSRB Peace>>>WW Peace?


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