An oasis in a desert of ineffective propaganda

Day 655, 17:49 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis

First of all, an article by myself which doesn't feature a song reference as a title? Must be serious.

I'm going to begin by making a few points, in a nice, simple, fashion.

Contrary to popular belief, the UK is not run by PEACE. The UK is run by the UK. But, of course, some people elsewhere within the game cannot seem to fathom the fact that the democratically elected individuals of this country voted not only to let Hungary borrow Scotland, but to join PEACE. Allow me to elaborate more on this.

Lets rewind the clock a fair few months. ATLANTIS was in it's death throes, Romania had thrown in the towel at alleged cheating (more on this later). Sweden was about to stomp over Germany. In the midst of all this wargames were afoot; Ireland attacks the USA, activates the USA's MPPs, everyone gets fights.

This wasn't as simple in practise as it is on paper. Due to a fairly huge mistake on the part of the UK's administrations at the time, the UK ended up with trade embargoes with the entirety of ATLANTIS. Not good. How did the UK's leaders at the time react? They begun by threatening to invade Ireland; quite possibly the most inept move I have ever seen in nearly 650 days spent in this game. Mistakes like this lead the world to think of the UK as incompetent, and, to be brutally honest, we were pretty awful back then.

So there we are, a pretty useless country. Behind the scenes, a group of UK citizens are planning the future of the country (read about this here). We publicly announced our wishes to join PEACE when we were elected in a free, fair, and takeover free election.

Over the next month we discussed the issue publicly, giving the public an unprecedented level of involvement and information. It was also, of course, discussed behind closed doors. As a general rule, both sides of the aforementioned door were fairly evenly split at this point.

Enter Scotland. Alright, allow me to explain this. The House of Commons (HoC) of the UK, at the time, voted with a 93% majority to give the go-ahead. Allow me to add something else to this; HoC voted on this as a training war, not as a declaration of joining PEACE. When the articles informing you all that the UK was neutral were released, we technically were. The whole thing could've been handled better in my eyes, but otherwise, it's actually what happened. Complete transparency into the decision making process.

But how did we get to joining PEACE from this? It's really rather simple. The immense whining from North American nations. And the constant rubbish in my media, and so forth. All of that combined actually pushed congress into (finally) making a decision. The elected congress chose this. No manipulation, no takeover.

But hey, what do I know? The Fortis/EDEN propaganda merchants constantly in our media must know more than myself, obviously. Or not, as the case is.

I guess what the point of this article is, is to both debunk some of the rubbish that has perpetuated the media of late, and to dissuade such propaganda from being written. Does this mean I don't want this discussed further? Nope. Discuss as much as you wish. I'm confident that you'll reach the same conclusion I made months ago, and many people are slowly beginning to make. PEACE is/was/will prove to be the right move for the UK