The government over the past few months; part 1

Day 637, 12:37 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis

Good evening, and welcome to a mini-series on the goings on of government over the past few months; thought you guys might be interested.

Cast your mind back a few months. SaraDroz has just been elected as prime minister. Echoes of war are filling countries the world over with fear. ATLANTIS is preparing to deal with the fallout of a likely Swedish invasion of German territories. War games involving Ireland and the USA are being prepared.

For the UK, the war games go disastrously wrong, as a flaw in the planning resulted in the UK being unable to trade with pretty much any of our allies in ATLANTIS. SaraDroz and her then Minister of Foreign affairs, Goku Jones, get involved in heated discussions as a result of this; climaxing in a very thinly veiled threat to invade Ireland. It was at this point a group of individuals banded together to prepare to turn the country around at the next elections, and as much as possible, fix problems before then. Their names are listed below, for the curious amongst you

Hassan Pesaran (Founder)
Kumnaa (Co-Founder)
Glorious Failure (Now known as Necrosis)
John Forseti
Rayf Drayson
GLaDOS (Late entrant to the cabal)
And a few more who flitted in and out for the full size picture.

As you can see, the original members are all individuals who had been involved in the UK and/or the game for a long time, from all sectors of the political scene. The situation was seen as so dire, that party, and other allegiances, were put aside, for the greater good.

Anyway, I digress. So there the UK was; floundering under an incompetent leader, and a useless cabinet. We said no more.

We were not the only group of individuals thinking along such lines. The UK's special forces were also more than disgruntled with the direction the UK was going in. Several of them decided to run for congress in the forthcoming elections, replacing the dross that had seen congress become an inefficient, and thoroughly useless body. Nothing got done, and if it did, it was done wrong.

So, how to best put this plan into motion?

Many of the special forces joined political parties to run for congress. A large number of them got in; experienced, smart individuals who weren't interested in the red tape that has plagued our country, but more in getting things done.

So, a fair number of smart, reliable individuals in congress. Now it was time to convince the population of the UK that kumnaa was the best candidate.

The leadup to the elections

We started on policy. A sensible, not overly new domestic policy. Essentially streamlining the old way of doing things, nothing more, but, you know, actually doing things. It worked.

Military; more weapons for soldiers. Better organisation. This in comparison to JerryGFL's horribly optimistic and complex plan, was a vote winner, in my opinion. Even today we don't have the people required for that plan, and even if we did, there are more efficient strategies

Foreign affairs; PEACE. What could well have been a dealbreaker; was the UK ready for PEACE at this time? The answer was not really, with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. It was garnering increasing support, but not huge amounts. With this in mind, it was beginning to look unlikely that kumnaa would beat JerryGFL.

Enter the cult of personality. With the help, and collaboration of many individuals not directly involved in the original cabal, we flooded the media with our articles, out voting those of the opposition, and simply turning kumnaa into a media demi-god. It worked.

Election day
History will show this race as a very close race. The final vote difference was tiny, a little over 10 votes. Throughout the day, the lead would swap, widen, and shrink again between the two candidates. We had roadrunnerspeed in IRC giving us a literally minute by minute update of the votes; generally painting a grim picture. I went to bed that night expecting to see Jerry on that politics page the next morning.

Kumnaa won.

What next? Tune back in for part 2 in the next few days to see the aftermath of this. That means you need to subscribe. That button, top right. Press it.