About Jimbowymbo

Day 607, 15:18 Published in Switzerland Poland by MaZzA

REPLY to http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/yo-fui-te-crata-y-viv-para-contarlo-iii--858789/1/20

The article of Jimbowymbo about Theocracy reflects the very hard work behind Theocratic Nation.
Unfortunately that article revealed another face of unfair Jimbowymbo.
The confidence we have put on him was betrayed in worst way. That issue caused some embarrassment, was a mistake to bring Jimbowymbo into Theocratic structure.
Undeniably and disgusting the skillful mastery which a thief robs his brothers, the same brothers that trust in him.
There aren't other words about that, except that one day Jimbowymbo will realizes that popularity has obscured his mind.
In order to write an article about Theocracy, he stained himself indelibly of shame and betrayal.
The surprise that he also does not hesitate a second to make public that sad action and boasting too.
Boast himself of stealing weapons and money to the people that trust him.
For few weapons and money, he betrayed himself, he betrayed the friends that would do everything to help him, and who have also accepted him like a brother, giving an important position into Theocratic structure.

I want to say nothing more about that sad action. I want only to inform you that Jimbowymbo sent back 75 gold to Theocratic Holy Pantheon, to excuse for his action and repay us for theft.

We respectfully this last act, but now Jimbowymbo and Theocratic Nation of Switzerland will take their separate ways.

Thank you for your attention
Dio Akira - Theocratic Natopn of Switzerland.