A True Friend

Day 678, 00:33 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto
USA, 0😇3 (Sep2😎 | Day 678 of the New World

A True Friend
One of the best attributes about eRepublik is its wide audience, I've personally met players as young as 11 and as old as 47 in eRep. Its internationality is also a plus, its truly a very big eWorld. Korean, American, Brazilian, French, Japanese, South African, Australian etc all congregate at eRep to play and interact with one another. Almost every major country is being represented here in eRep. It has 200,000+ players and growing, each player having their own customized profile, each expressing their opinions and feeling on a variety of issues. We each have our own reputation, small or large, we each develop our own personalities in eRep, many times closely resembling our real life personalities. Its a fun game, a strategic one full of different paths we can take. Despite all the interface and real time strategy aspects of the game, waging war, building a company, its true value is in the people that play eRep. Its amazing to meet people from the other side of the world, to hold a conversation with a Hungarian, to swap pictures with a Philippine, to help out a Korean. The possibilities for establishing a friend in eRep are endless. I know many people in eRep but only a few have become true friends. People that go out of their way to help you out, people that answer any questions you might have to the best of their abilities, even doing research on a question for you. Spending their own money to help you grow and mature. In people like these is where you find the greatest quality of eRep, its not just a good game its a channel, a bridge to people you would never have imagined meeting. Its truly a pleasure to find someone you get to know so well you feel comfortable establishing ties with other then in eRep, exchanging emails, meeting in a chat room, where else does this phenomenon happen in an online game!? Unfortunately every game has its....questionable or unliked characters, people hacking into accounts, spreading explicit pictures and articles. Despite these negative aspects which is inevitably part of such a large eWorld, the friends you make far outweighs any disappointment and or disrespect you might come across in eRep. I came into eRep expecting nothing more then a game, but the people in eRep make it much more then a game, its an adventure, an opportunity to meet truly great people. If nothing else makes you want to play eRep the possibility of meeting even one true friend is more then a reason to log in.
-Ingo Castilho-

Editor's Corner - Meaning of Friendship
What is friendship? What is the meaning of this relationship? We have often sought answers to these questions, yet we have never come up with an adequate answer. This is because this relationship is an amalgamation of beautiful and complex feelings, which may not often be described in words. Defining a relationship is never easy, as there are so many facets to it. However we don't need a bunch of words to make us realize the deep meaning of friendship.

This heartwarming expression captures the essence of friendship. When two people share a strong bond of mutual understanding, respect and love it lays the foundation stone for an everlasting friendship. This bond just gets stronger with time; the trust between the two people grows and so does the attachment. This is the beauty of the relationship and is the essential meaning of friendship. Being friends means being there for each other at all times, whether it's good or bad. A friend needs to be very understanding and give each other the benefit of the doubt. Ideally the meaning of friendship is sharing unconditional love for each other. However this is not an ideal world; therefore some form of expectations are allowed, but that has a limit too. The purpose and meaning of friendship is to make life's burdens lighter for our friends and not make them heavier. The Roman thinker Cicero said "Friendship makes prosperity brighter, while it lightens adversity by sharing its griefs and anxieties."

Searching for the meaning of friendship has always been a burning question. However as soon as we meet our friends all these questions get answered automatically. The answer to what is the meaning of friendship lies within our hearts, because true friendship can only be felt, and not expressed. Something so pure and essential is not always visible to the eye, but is felt by the heart.

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Kindest regards,
Ingo Castilho ~ official writer & reporter
Nero Preto ~ press director & publishing editor