A time comes when...

Day 786, 03:23 Published in USA Ireland by Bristel Akina

Hey eRep'ers.

Today I have read an article from livingabroad about his decision to quit eRepublik to get back to normal real-life activity.

The link to his article is here:

Our paths have not met since I was born here in eRepublik. I am still a young and inexperienced player. My opinions are not worth much.
But there is one thing about him that I admire.

He has won the game.

"Won the game?" you ask?

His profile shows that he has been very active, and has just suddenly quit.
What drives a man to quit after accomplishing so much, but still having so much he can do?

The verifiable truth about eRepublik is that there is no "winning" the game. There is no finish line. There is no big prize in the waiting. You can only play and play and play, and there is no final level or boss to defeat.

But what livingabroad has achieved, what he has done in this game, what all those days of clicking buttons, and scrambling to keep his health high and his job safe and his political career sound, is not winning the game.

What he has won in this game, is a feeling of fulfilling an accomplishment, a dream, a goal that not too many eRep'ers have run through.

His win is in quitting the game. His win is respectfully declining our wishes for him to stay. His win is in stepping down to allow other players to reach where he has reached, and to possibly go further.

His win is in realizing this this is only a game, and that in that realization he has gained a new outlook on life.

In a game of tanks, walls, super-alliances, backstabbing, political intrigue, propaganda and a whole slew of negativity, he has won by giving it up.

There is no greater achievement than passing this goal.

We salute you, livingabroad. I may not know you, and I may not ever know all of your accomplishments. But you have accomplished one thing: Earning our respect and admiration.

Whether or not he truly leaves is up to him, but his words and legacy deserve the highest regards.

I am bestowing upon him my highest award for excellence and pure-win: The Patented Stamp of Gay-pproval™. This stamp may seem silly, it may be a bit odd, yes. But I only give this out in times of pure excellence elsewhere. This will be the first time the stamp has been used, and hopefully not the last.

May God, or Dio, or whomever has the power to bless, to bless him.

God Bless America, and stay safe here, in the real world, and beyond.

-Bristel Akina