A Special Interview/בראיון מיוחד

Day 1,183, 13:34 Published in Israel Israel by Thain Peretz

!תצביעו ותירשמו

If anyone can provide a good translation that'd be appreciated! Thank you!

This is a very special interview with one of eRepublik's best citizens, and someone I can happily say is my frien😛 CRoy. I have known CRoy for a long time and have worked with him here in eIsrael, yet CRoy has skyrocketed to renown in the New World and has quickly become a top citizen. CRoy leads perhaps one of the most interesting e-lives of anyone I know. I hope you enjoy this interview! (Be sure to vote and subscribe!)

The Interview

For those who don't know, and as a reminder, tell us (in brief) of your history in eRepublik and eIsrael.

This is a complicated question, so all I will say is that I was a transplant to eIsrael from the eUnited States long ago, I stayed in eIsrael for over a year (with a gap in the middle of not playing eRep at all), I worked a lot to establish order in the Knesset and to create strong political parties to retain citizens, and I left in a blaze of glory. 😁

How did your rise to fame in the eU.S. begin?

As soon as I left eIsrael I became the Secretary of Media in the eUS under new President Colin Lantrip (October '10). A few weeks later I was made Chief of Staff, essentially running the entire Executive Branch. One thing led to another and I rose up in different places in different ways.

I remember your Presidential run and the "Revolution/Counter-Revolution" in the eU.S. with the Libertarian Party. Could you describe that affair to everyone?

Sure. I ran for CP in December '10 against Josh Frost. It was a very tight race all election day, but Frost came out victorious after all the votes were counted (and discounted). The day after the election, Frost announced that the Libertarian Party would be abolished and blacklisted by the Executive Branch. This was all in jest of course, but the Libs decided to play along and formed a "Counter-Revolution" against the government. These were some of my favorite times ever in this game. We wrote some extremely creative articles (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/all-hail-the-mighty-libs--1596382/1/20), developed some amazing technology (auto mass mailers), and doubled our numbers from about 200 to 400. I was basically in charge of all Libertarian media and recruiting during this period, so I take great pride in what we accomplished.

You were very anti-Josh Frost for a while, how are your relations with the former President now?

I was never "really" anti-Frost. It was mostly for show. I have great admiration and respect for Josh. Half way through his term, when the "Revolution" was dying down, he hired me back on as Media Secretary. the rest of the month was great, and I still receive occasional messages from him, although he is essentially now retired from the game.

What does your future in eRepublik hold? What are your goals? Do you see another run for POTUS eventually?

If the people want it, I may be forced to oblige. For the time being, I've been working hard on eUS wiki - http://wiki.eusaforums.com/Main_Page It will be a place for us to eventually fully document our entire history. So far work on the wiki has been going great. Many more updates will be coming.

You have become a two-time Media Mogul with over 2,000 subscribers, how did you become so popular? How important is the newspaper/media module in eRepublik to you?

I'm not entirely sure how I became so popular. I mostly try to write about relevant issues and analyze game mechanics. These things hold national and international appeal. As far as the importance of the media module, I believe that a nation is only as strong as the public voices it produces. Of course this is not actually true, but great media means better retention and higher morale within a nation, greater debate and education, and the faster development of new ideas and strong thought out opinions.

Anything else?

I miss you all. I hope someday I'll have the opportunity to come back (or at least be able to publish in a foreign country again). If I removed you from my friends list a few weeks ago, send me another request. I purged my entire list because I was annoyed by the high number of shouts, but I'm adding everyone again now cuz friends are fun 😁

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you enjoyed this interview and ask that if you did, you vote it up and subscribe for many more.

You can also check out my recent interview with the Bulgarian President.

Thank you!!!!!!


!תצביעו ותירשמו