Interview with Bulgarian President/ראיון עם נשיא בולגריה

Day 1,180, 10:55 Published in Israel Israel by Thain Peretz

!תצביעו ותירשמו

If anyone can provide a good translation that'd be appreciated! Thank you!

As many of us have noted, Bulgaria is growing - and I mean growing. Bulgaria has become a very large, powerful, and important nation in this game; yet, Bulgaria's rise to the world stage seemed almost abrupt and surprising. So, when the Bulgarian Ambassador recently made his introduction I thought I've got to talk with the President - and that's what I did.

Today I bring you all a great interview with Bulgarian President Podkrepa. Podkrepa has given me some great answers and insight into the rise, and current state, of his nation.

The Interview

How did Bulgaria gain such a large population?

By baby booms (as normal). Someone attacks us (the last time we had a haard time provoking Turkey, but at the end of the day the bite it) > we make some video "Alarm! These X are trying to destroy us! Come and help your country!" > we push it to the "most popular today" list in a popular YouTube-like website (about 1.3 mil. visitors daily, as good as a mainstream TV channel, but we can post clickable links and comments) > 1500+ per day is not a problem. Yeah, this specific sheme works in Bulgaria only. The others got to have connections in mainstream media and they would lose the refferal gold as well.

From then on, we've made a solid continious organization to make sure EVERY newbie receives help and advice from someone elder who holds him hand and leads him initially to avoid puzzling, confusion and frustration. And of couse how to grow the most effective way. For example we teach even babies to hit in te last minutes of each round). This lather makes a frightening force that does "impossible" things on the battlefield. We've heard and have a lot of fun with expolanations like "They use A-bombs! They use illegal scripts! It is impossible to turn 35% of THAT wall in a 30 seconds! There should something illegal!". No baby, it is possible some 2000 peple to hit in a single minute. A simple matter of organization and built habbits. The only impossible thing is the game to render all of them.

We also make sure that the newbie would receive help as bread etc. If he screws something, we'll fix it. That helps building a community feelig and we find these as important as the army in order to keep as many as possble in the game.

What is Bulgaria's role in it's region? What nations are your best allies?

Hmm, complicated. We changed alliances recently, you know... In our previous alliance (Phoenix) we had some issues as it felt more like a master-servany relatons. Nobody likes to be a servant and to have to give much more than he receives (we even sacrisised and got wiped twice to save an ally...and received like 20-30 volunteers whn we needed help back). All we wanted was to have some more fair relatons and mutual respect. And we found it in EDEN. Quite happy now 🙂

The region itself is a bit crazy and very dynamic due to the massive firepower so close together.

Best allies... perhaps Greece (they even call us BulGreece, we just stuck together in a perfect colaboration and friendship at any level). Of course we are quite close with Croatia too. We had wars with Romania and BiH in past and perhaps some time have to pass to really warm th relations, but so far it goes good.

What is your opinion of eIsrael?

I don't really have much observations. Sill wander why it is still so small (by population), trough... Having in mind that Turkey used to a attack you and this should have been motivated a population increase. We noted israeli tanks in our battles and are grateful for their help.

How do you see eTurkey? Will you be making further wars into eTurkey?

I've seen the Ottoman coats and emblems used as avatars by their major players. And we can read that the otomanism is strong there. How would you see it if you were on our place and they were using swastikas as avatars and elected a Tottenkopf-ish leaders? Long peace seems impossble.

Where do you stand on the issue of eCyprus?

I don't. I am aware it should be comlicated. Russians have Ukraine, Romania - Moldova, Serbia (well, not in game so far) - Kosovo. Well we have FYROM/Republik of Macedonia. There are a lot of layers and bulgarians don't like at all others to mess in complex stuff they can not understand ever (in our case Macedonia). It just puts salt in an open wound. I guess it's the same with Cyprus and won't like to interupt or take sides.

They call the Balkans "the gunpowder barrel". Besides the good intentions, bringing a candle there might have quite suprising consequences.

What's the next big step for eBulgaria?

I hope you'd learn in a few days 😉


I would first like to thank Podkrepa for his time and insight. I hope this interview has brought you all some new, interesting information about another nation in eRep, and I further hope that this can lead to better relations and a stronger friendship between our two nations.

Thank you!!!


!תצביעו ותירשמו