Contact Page Guidelines

Day 474, 23:26 Published in by Plato

Dear citizens,

Today we will talk about a very important section of eRepublik - the contact page.

The contact page allows citizens of the New World to easily communicate with the eRepublik Team. For a better management of the messages you send to us, each possible subject has been assigned to a certain department. We suggest paying attention to the subject selected, as choosing the inappropriate subject will affect the response time due to the necessity of being forwarded to the department in-charge.

Let's have a closer look on these subjects:

New citizen help
Hello and welcome to New Citizen Help. So you've been granted citizenship, and you are wondering what to do next? Here at New Citizen Help we'll answer your questions using the simplest terms possible. The questions received from you have been in time gathered and a FAQ page has been created. We suggest checking that page before sending the message to the New citizen help department.

Report abusive content
If you would like to help us create a better world, we would be grateful for your messages revealing inappropriate content you have found in the New World.

Report a bug
You should report as soon as possible any technical flaw that may affect eRepublik. We would like to thank you in advance for your support.

Report multiple accounts
If you suspect one or more citizens of managing multiple accounts you can ask for an investigation.

Request an appeal
If you have been the subject of a moderator's decision of account suspension and you are unhappy with it, you have the right to file an appeal. Also, use this subject with confidence in case you have reported a citizen or an organization and you consider that the necessary measures have not been taken. Only one appeal may be submitted in each case and only by the participant who receives the adverse decision. A reanalyze will be made and the final decision will be presented.

From time to time, citizens just want to tell us their opinion about the game or about our work and provide us with useful suggestions. We strongly believe that imagination is the only limit for changing the future. If you would like for your suggestions to be viewed by other citizens also, you should present them in the special section we have created on the forum.

Any message concerning real money transaction should have this subject in order to be answered by the assigned department.

Any messages concerning eRepublik in real life media, including electronic publications, will be answered by the press department.

Game support
As eRepublik evolves with each passing day, you might want to send us a message with a subject not mentioned above. Feel free to do so, as we have a special department ready to provide support even in unpredicted situations that may arise. Until the Judicial System will be implemented, all trials concerning the Contracts should be sent to this department.

Best regards,
The eRepublik Team