Operation: Celine Dion ********** Let's Make America a Better Nation

Day 474, 22:35 Published in USA China by pyroelectricity


I come today with a proposal.

Operation: Celine Dion

I am but a citizen, but I am putting this idea out into the media. Like the name suggests, I am talking about a merger with Canada. While some consider this a ludicrous idea that has no place in the media or being discussed at all, I beg to differ. We will gain very much from a merger with Canada, and lose very little. (My debate gears are clicking, so read on. If I can’t convince you that this is a good idea, the I don’t know who can, except maybe Quicksilver, but she has no place in our internal affairs) The benefits of a merger with Canada by far outweigh its costs.

The fact is, if we ever want to become a military superpower, we need to merge with Canada. We must put our ego aside and see that we alone cannot become a superpower.

We will gain much needed regions. We currently have no high productivity diamond regions. We all know that gifting is an essential part of running a successful military and helps to keep peoples’ wellness up. By merging with Canada, we will gain two high productivity diamond regions, specifically Nunavut and Northwest Territories. By having a domestic source of diamonds, we will be able to negate even a 1% import tax and keep the prices of gifts lower. This will greatly help our nations gifting programs and make gifts a practical item to use to keep the wellness of our soldiers and tanks up as high as possible. Let’s take a look at the regions we will gain:

Alberta: High grain and wood
British Columbia: High wood
Manitoba: High grain and wood
New Brunswick: High wood
Newfoundland and Labrador: High oil, Medium wood
Northwest Territories: High diamonds
Nova Scotia: High wood
Nunavut: High diamonds
Ontario: High woo😛 Medium grain
Prince Edward Islan😛 Medium grain
Quebec: High wood, Medium grain and iron
Saskatchewan: High grain and Medium wood
Yukon: Medium wood

That’s a lot of high productivity regions. We would gain another high productivity oil region, several high productivity wood regions, and a high productivity grain region. This will give us backup regions in the worst case scenario )FSM forbid!( of an invasion of the mainland USA. High productivity is GOOD!

Next, it will cement out position as the most populous nation of the New World. If you have been paying attention to the population rankings lately, you will notice that two nations are gaining citizens fast enough to threaten our position as the most populous nation of the New Worl😛 Romania and Hungary. Currently, we have 11,564 citizens; Romania has 9605; and Hungary has 6917. Today, the USA gained 114 citizens; Romania gained 102 citizens; and Hungary gained 81. We are BARELY managing to have a net growth greater than Romania, and we are only 30 citizens higher than Hungary. That is not much. Out of the few hundred people I know fairly well, I can name at least 30 who would have the potential to join eRepublik on a dime. Imagine what that number may be out of a few million.

By percentage, the USA gained 0.9%, Romania gained slightly more than 1.1%, and Hungary gained about 1.2%. If this trend continues, the population of Romania and Hungary will surpass the population of the USA. I would go and calculate how long it will be before their population passes ours, but I am too lazy, and suspect that it will be quite a while. The important thing is that according to current data, it will happen.

If we merge with Canada, we will gain 3,199 citizens. Today, Canada gained 41 citizens, or 1.3%. If we were to merge with Canada, our population would increase to 14,763, and our growth would increase to 155 citizens, or 1%. This would push the day when the population of Romania and/or Hungary would surpass ours far enough into the future that future IRL events would influence the population growth.

Merging with Canada would ultimately save our country and the rest of Atlantis money. The 30 gold per month that goes toward making an MPP would be negated. Canada has 5 MPP’s that each side is paying 30 gold per month for. This totals up to a whopping 300 gold per month saved. That will pay for the cost of taking over Canada and the cost of constructions other than the usual constructions that the government buys (I’m talking about defense systems here) in a span that can be measured in months.

If we were to agree with this merger, the government would have to spend little to no gold to complete the merger. If Canada and Atlantis agreed to the merger, there would be little to no resistance, and we would not need to hire tanks or pay our citizens excessive amounts of money. We would gain experience at very little cost.

Some people will tell you that we will gain more borders with other nations which will require us to buy many defense systems. In reality, there are only two regions that border any country other than the USA: Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador. Nova Scotia borders France, and Newfoundland and Labrador borders Ireland, the UK, and France. Ireland is neutral, the UK is our ally, and, well, if France had any intention to invade us, they would have done it long ago.

Some people will tell you that this makes us look like imperialists. NEWS FLASH: Other than Italy, we are the ONLY powerful nation in the world that is not imperialistic. Get with the times. Besides, this would be a voluntary merger, not an invasion. Agreement is not imperialistic. When we merge with Canada, we will have to get this message out. This isn’t exactly a hard thing to do. A few well placed articles will take care of the problems.

For all the reasons above, Operation: Celine Dion should be carried out. The United States should merge with Canada.

If you want to contact me, please email me at pyroelectricity@gmail.com
Please include your eRepublik name.

Always look on the bright side of life,