4th Presidental Briefing - Final report :)

Day 1,475, 10:56 Published in New Zealand Croatia by Alvareto the Husky

Kia ora my lovely Kiwis.

The time has come, tomorrow the new country president will be voted on. There are 2 candidates:



I will not tell you who to vote for, but will say this, I vote for the candidate who I think will be the best for our nation.

My time is done and I would like to thank my team for their support this term:

Vice Country President: mortalbeta

Ministers of Defense: CrusaderCarl , Kurojca, marko_zad, Spud of Doom, Crno-beli Klan and ByBojan

Ministers of Foreign Affairs: Splindza , ave-imperator, Aleda542 and Prosvetni Inspektor

Minister of Finance: Koska De Strah and IgorStarcevic as assistant

Minister of Information/Community: Johny Jnr

Minister of Education and Entertainment: MilanovicNikola

Ministers of Security and Congress: Bleya

Minister of Health: Deja-Vu, Sitno

I felt deeply honored that I was given the chance to be your president this month.

Today New Zealand archived monument because all national goals are fullifield, just admins must fix bugs on http://www.erepublik.com/en/country/New-Zealand , i have sent ticket to bug report department so hope they fix it 🙂

All decisions i made on base of advices from my ministers and their own assistants and my own opinion in goal to NZ be stable and safe place for our nation. Am very grateful because congress members were so disciplined and did not propose NE law before asked me or Mortalbeta as she was 2nd in command.

The greatest thanks to mortalbeta my eSister helped me so much in this month and i will never forget her effort 🙂 Aroha sis. Also thanx to my eSon CrusaderCarl who was one week MoD but was extraordinary awesome 🙂 I miss him and hope he do best in RL. ♥ CC 🙂

Thank to all Congress member who gave CS to players we think are reliable and honorable, who will keep peaceful atmosphere here.

Also thank to all ONE-proONE presidents for wonderful cooperation, I will miss your mass igms 😃, also thanks for all MPP renewals we signed also some of it we extended for long friendship, thanks to Splindza and ave-imperator they done good job.

Special thanks to one of Ministers of Health Deja-Vu who done wonderful job with project AID KIT I had in my mind before elections. You can all visit http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ministry-of-health-donations-here-we-go-again--1910564/1/20 to see how that project done. Many wellness gathered and giveaway, also many tanks.

I would like to inform public that all NZ national organisation are full with tanks so if any other country attack us we have thousands of tanks to supply mercenaries, serbian MU's, SSF and allies to help us defend our lovely country.

So Kiwis never give up, be strong and brave, help allies and defend NZ. Always answer our allies calls for aid in battles.

As I said before my term started, i give obligations to MoFA team to arrange TW with our neigbour Australia or Chile, meanwhile Australia was pretty busy with Indonesia, and Chile put as on hold to think about it because they helped their ally Brazil. So we were all patient and waited and then many of you asked about NE, so i have asked Indo CP Kertajaya to let one region to Australia and i promised i will control that TW until end of my term, and he agreed. I asked Australian CP to be 1st attacker to sea our intentions only for friendly war, and he did propose 1st NE law but their Congress not disciplined as ours failed as they voted so randomly and NZ become attacker day after. We have lost 1st battle as No. 1rule of TW is attacker lose – defender win. Day after Australia attack us and we have won and i was very happy because our TW going smoothly, everyone so happy as we have NE bonuses for training and our neigbour have 1 constant free region. Meanwhile Indo changed mind and inform me about wipe, i was sad and i refused that idea, asked CP and MoFa psy.. many times for mercy for Australia but their nation wanted that and the rest is sad history. But there is brighter present and future.

Coz Australia-Indo agreement about peace and giving back 4/6 original regions http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/indonesia-australian-agreement-1915530/1/20 giving us hope into new controlled TW when our neigbour recover.

I would give honor to MoE MilanovicNikola who done great job with project make multiple account for better Tutorial. Few people know about it, i have asked moderator about this issue and pleased Nikola to make Kiwi Tutor in addition to make great Tutorial for new babies, he made more than 110 screen shots, and idea was to publish it before end of my term but he is little busy these days in real life, but doesn’t matter, i know he done great job. Second thing with Baby boom i had in mind was help from Spud or CC with RL advertisments in their neigbours, around schools and near internet cafes, but my idea was bad as fact is RL Kiwis not lazy and they enjoy life, swimming etc, they do not sit beside computers long time, so they do not have interests for internet games. I hope this fact will little change even i love life and walking and hanging with my rl friends, and that’s why i will take long vacantion from game. 😃

In the end but not last i would like to thank Koska De Strah for extraordinary job in Finances as he done all job about it and leave me to do other stuff.

Good luck to both candidates tomorrow. And remember Kiwis go with who you think is best for New Zealand.

Long live eNew Zealand!
Peace, love, joy and prosperity rules 😃

Yours faithfully,

Helen Moon
Proud eKiwi and CC mammy

P.S. Our ally UK need help in London so fight hard Kiwis here