40th Congress: Cool Awards

Day 1,242, 17:21 Published in USA USA by eUSA Congress

The Speaker's Word of the Day is: "Promotion."

And no, I'm talking about the type of promotion where you take someone who hasn't necessarily been awarded for the effort they've put into something that helps a lot of people but should be and so you make a cool awards program that can really help those people who do spend the time to make the rest of our lives better feel good and appreciated so that they don't burn out and then go home and look at their time and their lives and start questioning the reason behind what all they did and eventually end up giving up any will to do anything with any decent amount of motivation. And now Steven Colbert sings Friday.

Nominating Cool People
Despite what some of you bright-eyed, food gobbling, Emerick loving youths may think, Congress isn't actually that fun. Nope. It's not. It's a lot of work, a lot of talk, a lot of drama, and a lot of button pressing. Throw in the occasional role-player, and that's pretty much it. But it is a necessary job, and those buttons have to be pressed by someone out there, and the men and women who choose to devote their lives adamantly pressing these buttons for the good of the nation deserve pretend money for it, don't you think?

I mean honestly: if you volunteered hours upon hours of your day to try and make something that was already pretty bad worthwhile and engaging for others, don't you think that you'd deserve something? Of course you would, because you're a selfish scrab eater and that's why you'll never win an award. Sucks to be you.

But worry not! For there are altruists out there, and they are pressing buttons so you can enjoy your button pressing experience that much more. And they're not just in Congress. They're in the [nationally sponsored non-JCS affiliated] military, the [not nationally sponsored completely JCS affiliated] military, the [pretty cool] militas, and all other branches of government and areas of this game. But not everyone is one of these great people, so help us find them by nominating them to get gold so that they don't die unloved and uncared for.

So this is your chance, button mashing citizen, for Congress has set up this handy dandy nomination form so that you can nominate ANYONE you think is pretty cool for what they do to get gold. So what are you waiting for? Click the nomination form and start nominating people so that they can feel some semblance of worth gained from all of this button pressing and pushing.

It's for the good of the nation, the good of you, and the good of the person you nominate who will feel really good if they win and only will be partially disappointed if they don't.



That's this week's Word. Thank you for reading, and be sure to vote and shout to your friends. See you next time!

For the fellas.

For the ladies (and Kazeal).

Dead as a doornail but still kicking in the front seat
Congressional Press Director