40th Congress: Conflict and Resolution

Day 1,235, 08:06 Published in USA USA by eUSA Congress

The Speaker's Word of the Day is: "Compromise."

Compromise is something that should have happened a lot earlier with this. But everyone was too busy slinging mud and insults to allow themselves to think clearly. So now we have this whole issue, and to be very blunt, it should have happened earlier. This "showdown" or whatever you wish to label it as should have been resolved a long time ago. But we all were stubborn and still are, and now we're left to try and make compromise in a time which is hard for all.

A Trying Time
So here's the gist of the Congressional response: Military funds have been frozen. After a lot of pressure on Candor and a huge amount of discussion discussing various ways to handle the issue, Speaker of the House Candor, who is on comparatively good terms with the JCS, made the decision to freeze funding. The military command made this clear with their decision to not go along with the constitutional institutions in place in terms of oversight. There's no vehemency to this, or intent to stir up more emotion. It's simply a fact, and this is a reaction.

This is the immediate response. President Emerick is in the process of revising the JCS system, as stated in his inaugural address. Power over military has been shifted to the newly created National Security Council with Secretary of Defense Avruch in charge.

On the legislative end of business, Congress is busy with doing the bill work necessary to revise the system. Two days ago, Congress began voting on a restructuring of the current Military Apendix of the Constitution, and with a unanimous vote, it passed. Budget outlining and much other restructuring for the military's new function in the eUS is now underway in the halls of Congress, and while there is still much more work left to do, Congress is off to a fairly good start at taking care of the issue which has been presented.

Where does this leave us all? With a new National Security Council, a shift in power from the old JCS system to the new Secretary of Defense system, greater integration between Congress and the Military in terms of understanding funding, spending, & and orders, and an overall resolution of the way these interactions between the political and military factions take place.

It's been a hard and long week, but at the end of it, we are reaching a new and greater change for America.

That's this week's Word. Thank you for reading, and be sure to vote and shout to your friends. See you next time!

I suppose this makes me the only real zombie that's ever been a part of the USWP,
Congressional Press Director