JCS vs. Congress: What Really Happened

Day 1,233, 19:25 Published in USA USA by chesehead

Below is a quick rundown on what happened with as least bias as possible. Thje conclussion however states my analysis and what I see happening, not what I want to happen.

1. Elections went off perfectly; however, a couple TC officers were elected. This begins the problem.

2. CJCS decides to enforce the age old rule of having all congress critters in NG, however, the TC officers were not told they had this option, so they resign.

3. Congress finds out about this and is mad. The excuses given that a soldier’s job is a full time one does not fly. It doesn’t help that this rule was selectively enforced.

4. Congress begins to investigate more. They ask for a progress report of the enforcement of the latest amendment. They also look into military commune efficiency. They find that there are problems with both. Congress finds that the JCS have not accepted XO’s onto JCS, and that certain information requests were being denied.

5. 5-6 days ago, Glove requested the info under the amendment. He was ignored until he pointed out that he could fired CJCS, at which time, he complies with part of the request, then takes credit for a timely and full response. Also note that the JCS disagreed with many of glove’s plans but was forced into following them. This did not help relations.

6. Congress begins to debate their course of action since the JCS said they will not compromise and uphold parts of the amendment.

7. Various e😜residents finally get involved, and tell congress that the military is giving them the middle finger. As a result, various amendments and a proposal to remove the CJCS are started.

8. CJCS states that it will not comply with congress, then puts a post on the general topic in the military forums that says that they are now private and will not receive funding from congress or listen to any of “their” laws

9. Overnight, the CO of the Airborne retires, but first removes his XO for unspecified reasons. This causes other AB members to resign. They state that the military has enough Cash and gold to sustain themselves from anywhere from 1-6 months and a year at the most. EDIT- The officer in question resighned due to other reasons and not this. The XO was passed over and the new CO did not chose the previous XO to be her new XO. Sorry for the misconfusion. New information has came available.

10. Early on the 5th, emerick is the clear winner. Discussion rage on what the military will do. Later in the day, the military returns 120K USD to the CBO.

11. Congress begins work on an amendment that should pass shortly, and Emerick outlines a plan to put the militaries under the DoD and SoD.

Conclusion- The days of the JCS are over. The new amendments effectively destroy them. The military is now the games largest private militia. It is unclear how long this will last. One can hope that in the end, both sides can come to a compromise, but it appears that JCS has dug its heels in the ground and will not budge. I believe that the probably end solution is that the JCS will remain private with the bulk of the military. A secondary military of sorts will be created that will fall under the DoD and SoD. This is not what my opinion is, just the way I see the cards falling. In order for the JCS to survive as is, they would have to come back to the table on their knees and hope for mercy. In the end, cooler heads should prevail, and we will eventually get back to worrying about more pressing issues, such as a Spanish invasion, and economic matters.

Special thanks to Croy for the excellent rundown on the forum.
-Chesehead EC chair+ some military stuff