The OhFU SCAM - Senior Citizens' Assistance Money

Day 2,665, 01:43 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
this is OhFU 2665

Here's how a returning old player re-starts his eLife.

The OhFU SCAM - Senior Citizens' Assistance Money

Dateline: March 8, 2015 (Day 2665)
Location: Sun City, Arizona
Reporter: OhFU Party President "Old Man" Custer
Music: It Don't Come Easy: Ringo Starr at the Concert for Bangladesh (1971)

Editor’s Note: Please forgive my apparent lack of activity.
RL is really rockin' and, as we all know, RL > Game.

Starting Over: It Don't Come Easy

The OhFU SCAM (Senior Citizens Assistance Money) Program is rocking the revived and now revitalized life of a returning old player I found in scouring the ranks of the Socialists' Party.

He left the game prior to the advent of V2, and so upon returning had the basic setup of Companies Plato offers new players, but no funds and no way to beat the curve set against non-paying players.

This player is now Training at a decent level, with another Training Upgrade to come when those come on sale again next month.

He's also nearly Food self sufficient-- again, with more Company Upgrades coming next month.

We're also working on getting him set up to produce small arms, so he'll be able to generate a modest income beyond Fight supplies from his MU.

All this in exchange for... nothing. It's free.
The catch? He's already active in his MU and his Party, and promises to pay it forward to the community of players in continued activity as a contributing member of our American society.

The cost?
Well, so far, around 60 gold and 3500cc (probably more, I can't find my reading glasses), plus I threw in a boatload of extra Weapons and Food.

My point?
SCAM funds are running dangerously low. We can probably finish fixing this guy up, but there's nothing in the kitty for the next guy.
We try to do this every month, sometimes every other month. Sometimes two in a month. We've SCAM'd, I think, six returning old players since we started the program.

It's What We Do

So this is what the OhFU SCAM Program does. Not an ongoing handout, but a real hand UP.
We help lift a returning old player to a decent level of play, and he stays and contributes back instead of becoming discouraged and leaving again.
It's a small price to pay for the benefit it brings to America.

If you like the idea, you can Donate small money via Endorsing this article.
or you can Donate Big Money to either Kaptain Kidd or to myself.

If you’re an old fu-k but not an Old Fu-k, you’re doing it wrong.

The OhFU Party doesn't do much, if anything,
except run the SCAM Program, so our membership is free to enjoy virtual retirement while 2-clicking or simply declining involvement in the more active political Parties. If you're tired of the bullsh-t, or just plain tired, we've got a recliner reserved for you. Oh, F.U.!.

Your Old Fu-ks United Party Officials, “The Committee,”
PP Custer, Zheng He, Melissa Rose, Ralphy "No Pants" Ericson, and Kaptain Kidd

Shout It a Lot!

The OhFU SCAM - Senior Citizens' Assistance Money
A Hand UP, Not a Handout



873 readers know that Old Fu-ks are the best fu-ks.