[tBRE] Alliances of the eWorld - World's Hourly Activity (Part 1) - Day 2155

Day 2,157, 12:22 Published in Ireland Belgium by Tony Clifford

"the Big Red Express. One of my favourite newspapers 🙂"

"I think your newspaper is one of the most innovative ones in the game.
Your schemes and graphics should be included ingame and your copyright paid by the admins!
Thanks for such magic!"

[tBRE] Alliances of the eWorld - World's Hourly Activity (1) - Day 2155

Dear readers,
finally, after a lot of troubles, i collected all the data needed for this special edition of the "Alliances of the eWorld" series!
(last article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2326725/1/20)
In this special edition, we will review some data about the activity of the eWorld's countries during a typical day.


As you know this game is played from people from all around the World. This means that players chose different hours to be active accordingly to their RL country's time zone.

In eRepublik the period when a particular eCountry has the highest activity is generally called prime time, while the period with the lowest activity is called night time.

This is an occurence so known and important to strategists that even aVie dedicated to it a section of his site.
aVie indentified three time zones which differ in their prime and night times. He called them Europe, America and Asia

European time zone in blue, American time zone in red, Asian time zone in yellow

aVie's Asian prime time corresponds to the American night time and lasts from 00:00 (eRep time) to 08:00.
The European prime time corresponds to the Asian night time and lasts from 08:00 to 16:00.
Finally, the American prime time corresponds to the European night time and lasts from 16:00 to 24:00.
Moreover, aVie's estimated that the damage output of each country is divided in 50% during the prime time, 20% during the night time, and 30% during day time.

There are two problems with aVie's system:
1) The time zone of an eCountry corresponds to the time zone of the respective RL country.
Problem: eCountries are populated also by players living in a different real life country!
2) The proportion of damage was estimated as the same for all countries in the same time zone and the estimate was based on personal perception.
Problem: damage data should be estimated using objective data and for each single country!


What I did was simple: for every 15 minutes of a day (day 2155) i collected the data regarding the number of online citizens of every eCountry.

Then I put the data in a table: in the rows are the countries, in the columns is the time, and the cells were coloured accordingly to this rule:
- yellow, when the number of players for a specific country was high
- blue, when the number of players for that country was low
- white, when the number of players for that country was next to the average.

The countries were divided in three different tables, accordingly to the structure of their time schedules.
A note: the time schedules of low population countries (less then 50 daily fighters) may be not reliable.

Let's see the tables.

The first table refers to the so-called American countries.
In this group we find 12 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Uruguay, Venezuela.
10 of them are American in the real world, while 2 are not: Philippines and Saudi Arabia were found in this group because their low population didn't allow to have a structured time schedule.

Here you are the table:

Yellow= high activity. Blue= low activity. White: average activity.

As you can see, night time starts about at 21:00 and finishes at 7:00; the prime time is concentrated from 15:00 to 21:00.
Anyhow: American players seem to be more active during European prime time (from 08:00 to 16:00), then during American prime time (16:00-24:00).
That is probably due to them trying to oppose to the big damage done by the European players.

The second table refers to the Asian countries.
Here we have 10 countries: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Latvia, Malaysia, North Korea, Rep. of China-Taiwan, Russia, South Korea.
8 of them are Asian-Oceanian countries, but also 2 Eastern European countries are include😛 Russia and Latvia.

Here you are the table:

Yellow= high activity. Blue= low activity. White: average activity.

The longitude covered by this group is wide: night time starts at 7:00 in Australia but only at 15:00 in Latvia. Anyhow, it finishes for all countries at about day change (00:00). The fact that Australia's prime time stretches for as much as 17 hours a day is due to the presence in Australia of many European players, who follow the European night schedule.
The prime time for these countries starts at daychange (00:00) and finishes at about 09:00.

In this analysis, we may consider South Korea the most Asian country, as it is the only one with a night time coinciding with Asian night-time. This is also due to the fact that in South Korea there are very few European players compared to the other Asian countries.
On the other hand, Russian and Latvian night times are similar to the European night time: these countries are included in the Asian group, because they stop activity before the other European countries.

Finally the table with the European countries.
48 countries are included in this group: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Rep. of Macedonia, Rep. of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Un. Arab Emirates, Un. Kingdom, USA.
Not only real life European countries are included, but also 9 non-European/non-African countries: USA, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, Pakistan, UAE, Singapore, and even Paraguay. A clear sign that in these countries exists a large population of European-based players.

Here you are the table:

Yellow= high activity. Blue= low activity. White: average activity.

Despite so many countries in this group, the time schedule is common: night time starts at 15:00-16:00 and finishes at day change. Notable exception are the USA: night time starts at 19:00 and finishes at 5:00, thanks to the contribution of the American based population.
The prime time of the European time zone, when most of the eRepublik's damage is inflicted, starts at 6:00 and finishes at 15:00. Interestingly, there is a small peak of activity of European players at 00:00, immediately after daychange.

Here you are the summary of the 3 time zones and the World's total activity:

Not surprisingly, World's total activity follows the same schedule of the European activity.
44% of total activity is during the European prime time (08:00-16:00), 37% during Asian prime time (00:00-08:00) and only 19% during American prime time (16:00-24:00). This is because American prime time corresponds to the European night time.

Different group of countries have different distribution of activity during the day.
Countries in the American time zone have 22% of activity in their night time, interestingly most of the activity (42😵 of American countries occurs during European prime time, while 36% of activity during American prime time.
Asian group countries have 47% of activity during their prime time, but only 30% during European prime time and 23% during their night time.
Finally, European based countries, have very low activity during their night time (15😵, while in prime time the activity is at 46% and the rest of the day at a similar level at 39%.


1) Every country has its own time schedule which is based on the time zone of the real country from which players come. Some countries, most notably the USA, follow a time schedule more similar to that of another continent because of the presence of many overseas players.

Here you can see the time zone scheme that resulted from this analysis

European time zone in blue, American time zone in red, Asian time zone in yellow

2) Some countries have their prime time in a different time zone than expected. For example American based countries are more active during European prime time than in the American prime time.

Thanks you all for reading
(To be continued...)

by Tony Clifford

[tBRE] Alliances of the eWorld - World's Hourly Activity (1) - Day 2155