WHPR - Party President Election Special

Day 2,125, 21:38 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
WHPR - Party President Election Special
Melissa Rose addresses the Media

Dateline: Sunday, September 15, 2013 (Day 2,126)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR:
: 1: Interview with the ATO Candidate
: 2: Remarks from Party Presidents

This is a special edition of the WHPR focusing on our ATO efforts.

Editor: DepSecMed Melissa Rose

Interview with the ATO Candidate - Enkel
DepSecMed Melissa Rose

If you haven’t been paying close attention for the past 6 months, then this month's ATO Candidate may seem to have come out of obscurity; in truth he is well known for being a thorn in Ajay/RGR’s side. I had a chance to speak with him today about this month's ATO effort and how he because our Candidate.

Melissa Rose: Can you tell me a bit about yourself and why you were chosen as the ATO candidate for the AFA?
Enkel: Well, first of all you might have heard of my personal intentions to PTO the AFA alone, but I needed to bring people to help. So I started bringing my friends, mostly from Albania. I then created a group message where I told them to vote for me on primary elections on forum.
I had help from a person in ATO coordination, whose name I can't mention and would like to stay anonymous, to bring people into the US to help me and help eUS.

Melissa Rose: So you're the person who won the primary that caused RGR to take over?
Enkel: Yes, If you would like to know more about that particular incident you can see my article, Are we supporting a dictator?

Melissa Rose: So, who approached you about doing this ATO?
Enkel: After my efforts against AFA, and getting a great ballot position (2nd on list), I spoke with Josh Frost, explaining to him that I could be the next ATO person if there wasn't anyone who he had chosen.

Melissa Rose: What do you believe your chances are to successfully ATO the AFA this month?
Enkel: Due to the difference of 56 between last months ATO candidate and RGR, and the fact that the AFA was in Congress this month, so they have most likely brought more than 50 persons into US. It will be a little bit tough, but we still have great chances for success.

Melissa Rose: Other than the article you already showed me, do you have any other articles to help people understand who you are?
Enkel: I wrote this while I was undercover. It shows my intentions for running for AFA PP Enkel for AFA Party President!!
I also wrote an introduction article, Introduce myself

Melissa Rose: Thank you for doing this interview.
Enkel: It was my pleasure, nice to meet you.

As you can see this month is going to be difficult because we had Congress and the AFA was able to bring in help. We have to be extra vigilant, and do everything within our power to help this ATO effort. It is important to all of us that we win this.

Be sure to check in IRC room #voting before casting your vote-- we may be protecting another Party as well as ATO’ing the AFA!

Remarks on the ATO Effort
Top Four Party Presidents

Federalist Party President Tyler Bubblar:
As long as the AFA insists on violating IES laws, putting forward enemy of the state Ajay Bruno as PP, sending Serbs to Congress, and using rogue law proposals in a continuous effort to harm the nation this cycle of ATO will proceed. Domestic terrorism will not be tolerated. I pledge all the resources the Federalist Party has in aid of this fight.

We The People Party President Talostastic:
It only takes a moment to see where the loyalty of many members of the AFA truly live. Look at their True Patriot damage and their Top Damage in a Campaign. Many of them have massive amounts of damage done for enemy nations and Top Damage against the USA. They are not our friends, they are not our allies, and they seek only to disrupt and destroy America.

American Military Party President Israel Stevens:
The AFA's continued insistence on disrupting Congress and fighting all out for Serbia do more damage to their supposed cause then any article ever could. They follow Ajay blindly, and they continue to lose.
These things are not coincidental.

United States Workers Party President Wild Owl:
The AFA has repeatedly tried to hurt our nation by approving enemies of the state into our country, proposing donation laws to enemy organisations and proposing rogue Natural Enemy Proposals to disrupt with our Foreign Affairs. The USWP will continue to play its role in fighting these domestic terrorists and I pledge all availabe resources to take them out.

Melissa Rose -|- George Armstrong Custer
"I would rather rot in hell for all of eternity for standing by my principles, than get into heaven by leaving those principles behind"

Staff Writers Irule777 and Mourning Star

WHPR Day 2126
WHPR - Party President Election Special

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