WHPR 1765 - ¡Absuelto por la Historia!

Day 1,765, 10:50 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1765 - Absolved by History!

"Las ideas no necesitan ni de las armas, en la medida en que sean capaces de conquistar a las grandes masas."
(Ideas do not need weapons, to the extent that they can convince the great masses.) Think!

Dateline: Wednesday, Sept 19, 2012 (Day 1765)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s Agenda
1. The People's Revolution!
2. Successful ATO Operations!
3. The Shifting Tides of War!
4. More White House News!

"A revolution is not a trail of roses.… A revolution is a fight to the death between the future and the past."

"The republic and the revolution have entered a new stage. Would it be just for ambition to endanger the destiny of the revolution? The people are the only ones who can speak. The people are interested in the liberties, the rights which have been taken from them, and peace. I think that in speaking to the people in this way the revolution can avoid the only dangers which can threaten it."

I could not have said it better, myself.
We-- you and me-- we are the people. This is OUR country. WE decide our future. In this game, there are no assassinations, no riots in the streets, no violent overthrow. There are voices, and there are votes-- these are the weapons of the people. These are how we determine our destiny.
Those who would destroy the very sovereignty we cherish are free to speak out, and they do-- some quite eloquently and convincingly, others make no attempt to disguise their contempt for our freedom.
The "New Media Revolution" seeks to promote equal and greater use of the media module to counter the aggressive tactics of those whose voices do not represent The People, but who utilize this game tool to make themselves heard above the sound of true freedom. They use the media to spread their twisted lies-- no one can stop them, but we can meet them on the battlefield of media and beat them with the truth.

Your two most powerful weapons, America, are your media and your votes. Pick them up, and use them as aggressively as we see our enemies use them against us.

with the other "Old Man," Cromstar

Party President elections are a stepping stone to the Congressional Elections, because it's the Party Presidents who control who gets on the ballot. Sunday's national ATO operations secured the We The People Party, keeping SecDef Gnilraps as PP over Hanibal LA and his Pizza-backed hoarde.
Less known was the threat to the Federalist Party, where a win by Malarkey83 would have likely allowed enemy agents to be placed on the ballot for Congress.

The President, FEC Directors, and ATO Ops managers wish to thank all who held their PP votes till late and then voted as instructed where they were needed most. Keeping America safe by preventing the PTOers from gaining control of these Top Five Parties were JCSF, USAF, iNCi, and the other 3 [Top Five] Parties, plus many very independent and patriotic Americans. Again, Thank You all very much.

But with that battle won, the war against PTO'ers is far from over. Immediately after the election, PTO'ers placed themselves in candidacy for the next PP Elections, showing that they have no intentions of backing down-- and so neither can we.
Also, even as the ATO votes were being cast, a small Party was PTO'd and renamed as American Freedom Alliance. As soon as their losses at WTP and Feds was official, there started a mass exodus of players from those and other Parties to this one, now ranked Sixth and poised to be a major threat to safe Congressional elections if they can overtake the fifth ranked Feds.

Once again, as always, America must be always on its guard. You may be asked to move from your Party to either the Feds or iNCi Parties, to keep their membership numbers higher than those of the American Freedom Alliance.
FEC and ATO officials will work with Party Presidents to assure the safety of all Congressional candidates, as well as coordinating efforts to fill every non-candidate slot with a safe Blocker.

You can help keep America safe by signing up to be a Blocker.
You can help keep America safe by volunteering as an ATO sniper.
You can help keep America safe by being a responsible voter, by making an educated choice to have your voice heard in Congress by a safe and sane American who will not sell citizenships or give them out to Serbs and others who seek to destroy America from within.

Secretary of State Dr Luis Sentieiro is so busy, we had to do our interview while he was shaving.

Editor's Note: So much is happening in the State Dept, so many negotiations and communications, that we cannot possibly cover them all in the limited space and scope of this newspaper. Here are a few highlites:

Aquitaine: FYROM started the French Resistance War and won it, then Poland stepped in to take it before FYROM could, preventing FYROM from having a direct border with the USA.
We're talking peace and friendliness with Poland, but they still have MPPs with a lot of our enemies who will remain enemies, so what they did was prevent the US from fighting one of their allies.
Update at Press Time!
It appears that Poland is now trying to RW Aquitaine back to France, then allow or help FYROM get it, which will bring the US and FYROM to direct borders.. Exactly WTF is going on here, and why, is expected to play out over the next few days-- we'll be watching closely, and report to you in Friday's WHPR.

China: Serbia is poised to make a move on China. The US will help defend when the time comes.

Great Britain: Provided intel assistance to uncover French espionage in US; we're carefully evaluating good or neutral relations with them.

France: Lots of evidence of French government involvement in recent security leaks and PTO efforts emanating from French members of US Congress. The French CP proclaims innocence, but it's weak and we don't believe him.

Canada: The Rolo regime continues to take our Bro neighbors over to The Dark Side, placing the people at risk of war with old friends.

The US Government is Hiring NOW!
No pay, but great experience. Some jobs are high profile, an opportunity to increase your public visibility.

Dept of Education needs Mass Mailers and New Player Mentors: Apply Here

Tank Up 2 Rank Up program needs Quartermasters: Contact Kodos

The New Media Regime (fka the Media Dept) seeks contributing writers to the WHPR; a full time Pony Express writer (orphans preferred); full time eNPR staff including Producer, Host and Co-Hosts. Contact Co-SecMed "Fidel" Custer or Chief of Staff Molly Emma.

The Civilian MU will hold a Fundraiser/Gun & Food Drive soon. Contact Molly Emma to Donate or Volunteer to help.

Molly Emma wants you to reach out and touch her. You know you want to...

In Other White House News...

Education Today by the eUS Department of Education: [DoE] News and Scavenger Hunt Announcement!
The DoE will be running a "scavenger hunt," and the WHPR will be one of the many stops along the way where you can pick up clues. Follow the trail and maybe find yourself winning big prizes like Gold, Food, and Tanks.
Be sure to see the Sunday edition of Education Today for the first clue!

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 19:00 eRep (10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!
If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.

Last Night's Show
eNPR Tuesday, Sept 18: no show

Next Scheduled Show
eNPR Thursday Sept 20:

Recommended Reading:

Voice of Candor: eRep Admins release Congressional changes: Read them here.
"Starting with the 25th of September the 2012, the citizens will vote for a Party instead of voting a citizen from a specific party."

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"Fidel" Custer Co-Secretary of Media
Condemn me, it does not matter: history will absolve me.

Look for Civil “Che” Anarchy’s edition of WHPR on Friday, and John "Raul" Killah's next Monday.


WHPR 1765 - ¡Absuelto por la Historia!
Absolved by History!

