WHPR 1751 - Out with the Old (Man), In With the New

Day 1,751, 11:45 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1751

Dateline: Wednesday, Sept 5, 2012 (Day 1751)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today's Agenda: Early Election Prediction; Custer Returns to the Grave
Did you miss last yesterday's paper? WHPR 1750 - [TL😉R] White House News; eNPR POTUS Debate
Last night's eNPR? eNPR September 4 Bigass POTUS Debate
How about today's Pony Express? Pony Express 1751 - September 2012 POTUS Final Candidates

Today's scheduled presentation of blatant electioneering by the major candidates' nominees as SecMed is cancelled due to lack of interest.

Calling the Presidential Election

Historically, by mid-afternoon on POTUS Election Day, whoever is the front-runner usually becomes the winner at the end of the day.
Given that in this election second placing candidate Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel has done little to promote himself and has come out in support of the top candidate, it's probably safe to say that the next President of the eUSA will be Israel Stevens.

Dennis McVicker held his own in last night's eNPR Bigass POTUS Debate show, but clearly does not have the dynamic presence or support for his international conciliatory and domestic social programs. It is hoped that as the day wears on the two relative unknown candidates will top out with all their pre-arranged votes, and that the American voters will grant Dennis the respect of a decent third place finish.

On behalf of outgoing President Civil Anarchy, and the White House Cabinet and Staff, we wish to congratulate President Israel Stevens and wish him well as he faces a very challenging term of office.

Old soldiers never die, they just... fade away.

Old Man Custer Re-Retires

Having returned to the game to only serve as Secretary of Media for Civil Anarchy's short term, George Armstrong Custer now slips back into obscurity, a relic of the past whose mark on the game will remain even as he fades from memory.

While his epitaph may read, "He used to be someone," and newer players may ask "Who?" and say "Who cares?," those who knew him will remember "Old Man" Custer as a patriot, a soldier, a leader, a workhorse, a tin foil hatter, a voice who couldn't be silenced, a decent writer, and a damn good friend.

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 19:00 eRep (10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

eNPR Tuesday, August 28: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/enpr/2012/08/29/enpr-tuesday-august-28-2012
eNPR Thursday, August 30: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/enpr/2012/08/31/enpr-thursday-august-30-2012
eNPR Tuesday Sept 4:

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.
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Recommended Reading:

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio |

Join a Military or Militia: 😉
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George Armstrong Custer
Secretary of Media, Retired


WHPR Day 1751
Out with the Old (Man), In With the New