WHPR 1562 - Oval Office Radio

Day 1,562, 12:14 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1562

Click the image to hear last night's show.

Dateline: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 (Day 1562)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today's Agenda: Oval Office Radio; Maps

eNPR to Host Presidential Debates
Executive Producer Jude Connors

eNPR Oval Office Radio has been on the air since very early in the game, serving as the internet radio voice of The White House, just as this newspaper fulfills that mission in the print media.

Until early December the show utilized BlogTalkRadio's free version, and moved around according to the restrictions of a free account. Now eNPR enjoys a permanent home at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/enpr because the current eUS President pays RL money for a full service account.
Like the Civilian MU, eNPR belongs to the President, and it is expected that future Presidents will uphold the standard set by Oblige and maintain the full service account.

There are no records prior to Dec 2011, no statistics of numbers of live listeners or how many times a recorded show was listened to. Now eNPR Executive Producer Jude Connors is able to generate statistics, as illustrated on this graph shown in Monday's WHPR.

The hot news of the day is discussed, whether elections or game "improvements" or international warfare and diplomacy. A variety of co-hosts and innovations such as special holiday shows and recorded interviews help keep the show fresh and interesting.

eNPR listeners gather in #eNPR on the Rizon server, where show hosts drop links to articles and forum threads as they're being discussed, and listeners offer additional information for the show hosts to mention on the air. Most shows include callers, including both arranged guests and impromptu and unscripted calls from players in the chat room.

If you miss any live broadcast, you can listen to a recording of it by visiting the radio show's BlogTalkRadio page. Last night's show, for instance, was pretty fast paced and fun, and well worth a listen.

This week, eNPR Oval Office Radio will host another Presidential Debate.

Candidates Chickensguys, Israel Stevens and Oblige will be joined by moderator Cerb.

We are encouraged to develop serious and mature questions to be asked of the candidates, and drop them in the Comments thread of this article.
eNPR hosts will join listeners in the chat room, and still more questions from the live audience will be posed to the candidates.

Normally broadcasting live on Tuesday and Thursday nights, this special edition of eNPR Oval Office Radio will air Friday night at 20:00 hours (10pm US Eastern, 7pm Pacific).
Be sure to come to the chat room at #eNPR on the Rizon server, and join your radio hosts as they take seats in the audience for this historic event.

Headline News:
Edited on the fly in the live edition of today's paper

Secretary of Defense Gnilraps steps down to pursue a special mission for the President; retired Special Forces commander TTi09 takes over as SecDef and head of the US Military.

Impeachment Proposal started by DCbg is headed for defeat; Congress requires a Discussion/Proposal/Vote procedure before any in-game Proposal is made.

Six-Star Fraud Ajay the Pizza Cartman continues his campaign of disinformation and deception with another absurd claim; posing as the made-up Supreme Commander of EDEN-TERRA Unified Command (no such thing exists) he falsely announces Turkey's expulsion from EDEN.

Financial business News includes articles describing the economic effect of the buy-bot being shut down, and commentary on the coincidence of timing with Admins' discount Gold sale.

"Complacency is not an option."

Read more from President Oblige in his own newspaper, Savior.

Recommended Reading:

DoD Special Series: American Fighting Forces: Ultramarines Edition
eUS Interior Department: Program Spotlight: Mentor Program

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio | Terra Times | Voice of EDEN |

Join a Military or Militia: Links Updated 02.03.12 😉
eRebuglik now breaks links to Google Docs. If your link is broken, please contact this Org with a TinyURL or similar shortcut.
| US Civilian MU | US Armed Forces Boot Camp | US Army | Special Forces | Ultramarines | SEAL Team 6 |
| EZ Company | Bad Company | Fraternity Shock Troops | Bear Cavalry | Pickle's Patriots | Hell Jumpers |
| eUS Training Corps | National Guard | Mobile Infantry | eUS Army | Airborne | Marine Corps |

George Armstrong Custer Secretary of Media
Levif92 White House Press Corps Director


WHPR Day 1562 - Oval Office Radio
It Just Keeps Getting Better
POTUS Debate set for Friday Night on eNPR