DoD Special Series; American Fighting Forces: Ultramarines Edition

Day 1,557, 20:55 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

Hello America!
Welcome to the sixth installment of the Fighting Forces Series. This article will focus on the latest branch to join the USAF (the country's official military), the Ultramarines!

For an explanation of what this series is all about please see the introduction article.

Since they provided the DoD with their own already written article, it’s being reposted below;

The Ultramarines are the third hardest hitting military unit in the eUSA (data as at mid-Jan). The Ultramarines were formed on Day 1192 (25 February 2011), just before the formation of the USAF. When game mechanical changes switched to allow for multiple rounds of fighting a day, in order to keep it’s soldiers fully supplied and hitting as hard as possible, the Ultramarines merged into the USAF as it’s third branch. The Ultramarines are a family, so teamwork and communing form a vital part of our operations. It is expected that even self-sufficient members will commune to help provide supplies for the less economically endowed members of the unit. The unit has a wide breadth of experience, with many members opting to stay within the unit even when they qualify to move on to the Special Forces; this means that there are always experienced people in the unit to assist the less experienced when they join up. The unit has also provided many Defense Secretaries, National Security Council Directors, Military Advisors, Country Presidents and Terra Alliance Strategic Commanders during its existence. We don’t set a great deal of store in ranks and insignias, so if you’re after that kind of recognition this unit is not for you - we prefer to let actions speak for themselves and encourage all to be active to the best of their ability.

The requirements for membership are:
(.1.) Previous experience in a military unit is preferable.
(.2.) High IRC activity is required (all supplying is in IRC)
(.3.) Generally high activity and engagement in eRepublik is preferred
(.4.) Must be prepared to take US citizenship and join the in-game MU
(.5.) Full membership in the MU only attainable at Field Marshal rank
(.6.) Commitment to follow eUSA orders to fight for eUSA and its allies
(.7.) MU members expecting supplies are also expected to work in UM communes
(.8.) Passing our screening to ensure a ‘good fit’ with existing unit members

From time to time we will make exceptions to one of more of these membership requirements, based on the amount of promise showed by an applicant. Our fighters are currently provided with 2 lots of 10 Q6 tanks and 600 wellness, or 3 lots of 10 Q6 tanks, depending upon their need, daily. All supplying is done in real time through the unit’s private IRC channel, so IRC activity is the only way to get supplied.

The current command consists of
CO - Artela (
XO - Henry Arundel (

Our public IRC channel is #ultramarines - feel free to ping anyone with ops in there to find out more. Join the official US Armed Forces Marines unit today! Our application form can be found here:

Day 1557, Old Executive Office Building

Secretary of State

National Security Council Director
Ralph Ericson

Secretary of Defense