Learn to Expect My Inquisition [UPDATE 16:05]

Day 1,112, 13:27 Published in USA USA by Onishi

¡Viva la revalucion!

This morning, our dear Commandante Josh Frost stormed into the den of the previous government, and rid the place of the treacherous Libertarian scum. He tore down their tapestries, he burned their cooks, and he fumigated their stench. He swept the place of all it's unholiness and has now established it as his Castle. Many of us went with him, but few made it all the way. The Libertarian fleas fought hard, using their dark magic and boiling potions and attempting to spread their hatred of All Things Good and Proper, but the Might and Will of Frost was strong, and we prevailed.

Consider this the word of Frost. Dissenters will be eliminated from this nation. The Libertarians will be driven from our lands, and stamped into the ground, their lifeless bodies cast out into the oceans as a message to all those who oppose us.

Frost will be good to those who believe in him. Our dear Commandante serves the People of this nation like a slave serves his master. You will respect the Commandante and all that he stands for.

Commandante Frost has appointed me as his Grand Inquistor, in charge of rooting out all dissenters from our midst, and eliminating them from our ranks. Failure to abide by Frost's word will result in your ejection from the American Isle. When Frost calls upon you, you will do as he says.

Grand Inquisitor Kid A.
¡Viva la revalucion!

Required Reading

Long Live the Revolution
Your New Family
The People's Wealth
Dr. GlaDOS, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cat

UPDATE: At 1600 tomorrow, a full list of dissenters will be published. Those on the list will suffer dear Commandante Frost's wrath, and eternal shame upon themselves and their families. You do not want to be on this list.