EDEN Restarts Attacks in Eastern Europe, Days 901-902

Day 901, 15:40 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

The international community has been clamoring for war, as some notable glitches have prevented a widely anticipated declaration of war and fight for Liaoning for nearly two weeks. Day 901 saw the resumption of conflict in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, as EDEN’s countries in the region shook away from Phoenix blocking attacks and launched a three-part offensive to once again target the eHungarian homeland.

Romania Retreats Dobrogea, Regains Initiative
In continuation of their blocking attacks, eBulgaria attacked Dobrogea around midday on Day 901, and in doing so, would pin eRomania down and keep the EDEN power from staging any of its own attacks. However, the eRomanian President retreated the battle at 13:10 eRep time, two minutes after its beginning; without another attack starting, the retreat served to free eRomania from any initiative lock. The move proved invaluable for the following sequence of events, which altogether took just under an hour to plunge the region in extended conflict.

By retreating Dobrogea (circled), eRomania freed itself of initiative lock, and
with its EDEN ally eCroatia, began a rapid series of attacks on their Phoenix foes

Romania, Croatia Moves on Phoenix Giants
With minutes of gaining some breathing room, eRomania took full advantage of its time and went on the attack, first targeting eSerbia at Eastern Serbia at 13:17. The first eRomanian attack on eSerbia in 6 days pits the EDEN power against 17 activated mutual protection pacts (MPPs), but returns initiative squarely to EDEN in the Balkans. By attacking eSerbia first, the eRomanians assured that the Phoenix power would be unable to intervene in EDEN’s next moves against an eSerbian ally.

Five minutes after eRomania’s move on eSerbia, the eCroatians resumed their attack on eHungary by striking at Southern Transdanubia at 13:20. As with previous EDEN efforts against the eHungarians, eCroatia’s front appears to be the main focal point, taking advantage of eCroatia’s 15 MPPs against eHungary’s 19. In its early stages, EDEN had pushed Southern Transdanubia’s wall into the underground, although it still remains secure as of early Day 902. eCroatia’s offensive was supplemented at 13:22 on Day 901 by an eRomanian attack on the Northern Great Plain, which serves to divert additional Phoenix damage away from the eCroat front. Unfortunately for EDEN, these attacks failed; EDEN has continued its attacks on these fronts, however, by targeting different eHungarian and eSerbian regions around midday on Day 902.

In a matter of minutes, the Balkans became a hotbed of conflict once more

Slovenia, Bulgaria Targeted as Poland Attempts a Southern Push
Only one minute behind eRomania’s attack on eHungary, the eCroatian President resumed their fight with eSlovenia, the small country notable for its strategically significant role in the region. The 13:23 invasion of Inner Carniola prevents eSlovenia from intervening against the eCroats and reduces Phoenix’s list of potential blocker states. Similarly, eRomania’s opening of a Resistance War (RW) in Dobrogea at 14:05, along with its counterattack, have placed eBulgaria back on the defensive after being on the attack one hour prior.

ePoland attempted to approach eHungary from the north, attacking eSlovakia’s Eastern Slovakia region at 13:59; however, the ePolish President aborted the maneuver after one hour, and has placed ePoland’s population on the sidelines of the conflict for the time being. Recent foreign affairs may have played into the decision to retreat, as eSlovakia has voiced its discontent with EDEN and no longer wants to just be a second-tier puppet in the alliance, answering the EDEN giant’s every call. It is also possible that ePoland wanted to conserve its damage for the other battles which were underway. Regardless, without being able to pass eSlovakia, ePoland will not be able to get directly involved without attacking the nominally neutral eUkraine, which would honestly cause more harm than good and should not be expected to occur.

Many countries are involved, but these attacks
are all about EDEN targeting eHungary

Looking Ahead
With the initiative returning to EDEN in Eastern Europe, eHungary once again faces a challenge in batting off all the attacks and may struggle to counter EDEN’s momentum. As was witnessed two weeks earlier, EDEN’s early gains could once again reduce the Phoenix titan to one or two remaining regions if they are able to keep their other Phoenix neighbors initiative locked and unable to intervene. However, eBosnia and Herzegovina has remained quiet and with a now pro-EDEN presidency, will probably not move to once again thwart eCroatia; regardless, the active war there is a disconcerting fact of life for EDEN which would take the initiative away if used against them. Were eCroatia to be derailed from its offensive, so also will EDEN’s entire game plan, as eRomania lacks the MPP backing to fight several fronts alone against well-fortified adversaries. For the time being, though, it appears that the EDEN powers will be able to operate with impunity so long as they keep eSerbia and eBulgaria silenced. Regardless, the New World now has a conflict to focus on, and the Balkan theater has once again heated up.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf

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