America, we think EDEN sucks too atm.

Day 900, 14:40 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Recently, the state of Slovakia has announced it's neutrality and is no longer helping EDEN for free.

You can read the official government announcement here.

Here's a little rehash for you guys though, as the English isn't completely perfect, and there would be no point in republishing this unless I wanted to do something special with this.

So here is MY version of the tran of our public announcement. *ahem*...

Dear Awesome Citizens (Except for the Ones Trying to PTO us 😛)

This is a small but important announcement. In other words, the fate of the world depends on this announcement, so you might be very well off by reading this. EDEN treats us like a "second-category" puppet, where all we do is do land swaps at their beck and call. It sucks. Especially since they did not even let us into their alliance, but still expect us to do all this random stuff for them. Therefore, we're simply making things easy for ourselves and are declaring absolute neutrality from every stupid eRepublik alliance out there.

If you wanna swap, GOALD IZ GUUUUDDDD. Or if you're Poland and you want to actually interact with us outside of EDEN. Emhasis on "outside of EDEN." In fact, not just emphasis, but mega super duper emphasis.


Why Poland? They are p cool people who don't afraid of anything. 😛 And they've liberated us b4 too, so that makes us heart them infinity times. 😛

Oh and by the way, we will perpetually hate EDEN and they will be condemned to being seen as utter jerks for all eternity as long as ROMANIA *cough cough* does not:

-Apologize for gloating about how awesome they were at PTOing our friends in the Czech Republic. We are still Czechoslovaks at heart!
-Give all the $$$ and goodies back to the Czech treasury. Including the Slovak money. THE SLOVAK MONEY! Wai did u steal the Slovak money? ;_;
-Send back all illegitimately issued out CZK bak naoowww!!!
-Explain why they told us we they could not start the training war when we had MPP with Moldova, and then they started it up when EDEN asked them to 3 days later.
-Tell us why they did not accept peace with us the first time! It could be dangerous for the Romanians too!!! >😐

We are not stupid. You seem to think this EDEN. That makes YOU stupid.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed, and keep on noticing the dramatic changes in EDEN that make them suck!

Prower Power!