[JB] Genuine people, real policies - Foreign and Home Affairs Manifesto

Day 861, 19:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by JB Election HQ
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Introduction - John Bartlett

Welcome to the 3rd and final part of my presidential manifesto. This instalment deals with Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Work. I hope that the ideas proposed demonstrate what I believe to be a beneficial change to the eUK's current system. I hope that the ideas put forward here will go towards earning your support and trust in the upcoming presidential election.

Home Affairs - A Growing Community

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The Ministry of Home Affairs is vital to our nation. Whether its keeping our public informed, directing and helping them as much as possible or finding ways to entertain, they do what they do best. I would work with the minister and see if there are ways to make the Ministry more efficient. With 'Version 2' coming soon, this gives us a unique opportunity to piggy back on the intended growth of the eRepublik Population, this will not only benefit us as a nation, but as a community. I Will Direct the Minister to dedicate more resources to encouraging more players to join eUK society.

At the last election, both candidates promised to create the role of Director of Communications. I would like to keep this role but utilize it more using it not only to communicate with the general public, but also inter-government communications to make sure we're all on the same page. I also believe that it is important to frequently provide the general public with information regarding both government issues and regarding the impact of V2. Due to the expanding Industries coming in with V2, this will open up more job opportunities for the public, and the MoHA will come up with guides to help educate and advise which areas are of more significance for our country.

Mentorship Scheme

I wish to introduce a new mentorship scheme which will enable new players to get maximum help from the government. A MoHA worker will be assigned to x number of new players that have signed up to the scheme. They will then work with the new player through the early stages of their eLife and keeping in regular contact to ensure they do not fall into the pit falls of the game e.g. over fighting. Once they reach level 5, they will be messaged with all relevant information to continue their eLife and how best benefit their country.

Support When You Need It

Newer Citizens will sometimes need support during the time they log on and have no one to turn to for help or advice. No doubt when V2 is introduced there will be many citizens who find the change confusing and be at a loss. As part of my plans we will support EVERY citizen, using whatever means they find comfortable. Some may find irc or registering to the national forums a big jump or may not see the benefits of using the traditional forms of communication. However, with 24/7 support the transition may be smoother and more informed using in-game forums, in-game chat, irc and the national forums. Nonetheless, the eUK will benefit immensely from ensuring all our new citizens are supported from birth to adulthood and in turn boost our lively community through a new culture of support for all.

Foreign Affairs - A United Front

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Under my Government we will continue to support Phoenix in on going operations as we will not forget their support in our time of need. Thinking back to two months ago, the whole survival of our nation was in doubt, we stood firm with our allies and friends from around the eWorld at our side, and together our nation resisted and repelled the invasion. Without their help, our country would not be intact today. We must work together towards liberating our allies so they too can once again rebuild their nations and we can advance into the future together.

It is with this in mind that we will have a policy of friends first. Rather than waste money and resources on irrational and ill conceived promises of direct action, we will continue to take a leading and active role in Phoenix engagements instead of taking our forces from where they are needed most, helping our allies in their fight for survival as they did for us.

Ministry of Work - Modernisation

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The Ministry of Work will also be taking a step forward into the V2 era. I plan to try and introduce new API tools and features to allow better tracking of companies finances and stock levels. This will ensure that the Ministry is working at peak performance and that we get the most out of the new players. The ministry will also be dynamic by monitoring the number of skilled players we have in each skill area and then adjust the jobs open to suit that and provide the eUK with a long term sustainable workforce.

As I mentioned In the Military section of my manifesto, I want to encourage all soldiers to own a house. This system would be run under the MoW on a trial basis to monitor cost and effectiveness. The general aim of this system is to provide cheaper housing to those in the military from government run construction companies.

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If you are interested in joining my cabinet and feel you have the relevant experienced needed please feel free to apply by clicking here:
Apply Online

NB: You may only apply once so please ensure you apply for all the ministries you are interested in.

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