[YCN] - Sleepless Colonel Sanders 肯德基夜未眠

Day 1,088, 03:09 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by ReStar

FOCUS:Colonel Sanders is in eROC

Language: English & Chinese(Traditional)

【政治新聞】【 POLITICS 】


The Office of eROC President has been settled down. The President Bill just announced the member list of the Cabinet. In this list, we noticed an unusual appointment in the General Staff Headquarters (GSH). The first Chief of eROC GSH is Kirk.Xu, who was also called as OldXu.

老徐究竟是何許人也?上圖就是他在eRepublik的圖片 – 神祕的草泥馬徽章

Who is OldXu? The above picture is his profile symbol in eRepublik – a mysterious “Tsao-Ni-Ma” badge.
However, maybe you has noticed that the picture he used in his publication “Kirk saying” and in eROC Taiwan Forum is another one below. Right, it’s a cock.


This is the Cock.
We present three pictures with three different views to let you understand fully at a glance.

本報特派記者在國防部潛伏長達三十分鐘後得到了極為珍貴的真相,那就是 --

– 老徐的本尊是 - 肯德基爺爺!!

So, OldXu is a cock? It seems like that, but things would never happen as what stupid men thought. After we sent a reporter as an inside man in the government for longer than thirty minutes, we got the extremely rare and valuable truth. That is – OldXu’s true color is – Colonel Sanders!


The above picture is the posthumous work of our inside man. After he sent this picture to our company bravely, we lost him inexplicably.
(If anyone knows what happened, please call us: 0800-092-000.)
(And, if you suffer from sciatica pain, you can call us, too. YCN shares the same telephone with ZZB Chinese Medicine Clinic.)


Seeing the picture with Colonel Sanders and a cock, can you associate it in thinking with a head of a secret government unit? That’s alright if you can’t. We will remind you with some pictures.


Right, he was the head of CIPHER POL 9, a secret unit direct under the World Government in the New Era of One Piece. He was called the strongest CP9 ever been: Dove Man, Rob Lucci.
At that time, he concealed his identity in the “Water City – Formosa”. Everyone falsely believed the dove sat on his shoulder could think and talk. In fact, he played as a ventriloquist and spoke via the dove to hide his real identity.

很顯然的,那個不二人選就是eROC參謀總長 — 老徐!!

So, for special secret missions, there must be someone working for eROC government whose identity has to be hidden. And he must have a close relationship with eROC Ministry of National Defense. Obviously, that person is the Chief of GSH – OldXu!

(OldXu has the power to order the eROC military, at least one soldier…)

(OldXu has undetectable power in the eWorld. RL American President Obama has to bow to him…)


- 那隻雞是老徐的 – 洩慾工具 替身能力

So, do you think OldXu uses his ventriloquistic ability to engage activities in eRepublik? Of course not. A ventriloquist can speak by a cock, but he can not combat by that.
Here, one secret is that OldXu’s real identity is Colonel Sanders. And another one is that – the COCK is “The Hand!!

(空條承太郎 & 替身:白金之星)
(資料來源: JoJo冒險野郎)(SOURCE: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

(老徐/肯德基爺爺 & 替身:紫色隱雞)
(資料來源:歪西恩)(SOURCE: YCN)


Although this old man wore a hat to hide his identity, we still recognized him as OldXu. The above picture shows the way he killed enemies by The Hand “Purple Hidden Cock.” Perhaps our inside man was killed under this destructive power at the moment he took the picture.
But there must be sacrifice to find out the truth. Even the detective Conan needs dead people to say “Truth is always only one.”


The above is the secret of OldXu we got, no matter it would cost how many lives.
Let us bow to the brave CYN reporter for ten seconds. BOW!

【卡通漫畫】【 COMICS 】




『因為氣候的關係,我們即將提前降落在 Zone 1,而不是原訂計畫的 Zone 4。』…

【休閒旅遊】【 TRAVEL 】


Today, the sightseeing point we suggest is “YuShan”, which is almost one The World's New Seven Wonders of Nature. (Need one more vote!)

中文連結, English Link


“YuShan National Park”, “YuShan Bank”, and “YuShan Chill News” are all belonged to “YuShan Entertainment Enterprise.” YuShan is not only the highest mountain in Taiwan, but also a very beautiful mountain.


『玉山. 玉山. 亮晶晶~ 滿天. 都是. 小星星…』

This is the night scenes in YuShan. Every kid in Taiwan knows the beauty of YuShan Night Scenes.
There is a children's balla😛

”Twinkle, Twinkle, Yu-Yu-Shan. How I wonder what you are.”


YCN, as a member of YuShan Entertainment Enterprise, invited you to YuShan. However, to avoid destruction to the nature, there are 21 DON’Ts.

(會不會太OVER了點?...) (Does nobody think that’s TOO exaggerative?)

《Student on Duty in YCN》Onion

YuShan Chill News invites all the most famous comic roles from Taiwan to be the show-girls in YCN.


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