[YCN] - The eROC President 總統府夜未眠

Day 1,087, 00:40 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by ReStar

FOCUS:The eROC President & the Presidential Office Building

Language: English & Chinese(Traditional)

【政治新聞】【 POLITICS 】


The Office of eROC President has been settled down. The President Bill just announced the member list of the Cabinet. He got 78% of votes from all eTaiwaneses. There are a lot of celebration around the country. People wish the President Bill will bring eROC the first economic miracle.

(People celebrated Bill’s success)

人群中有不少名人—瑪莉歐、多啦a夢、魯夫、還有…天吶! 兩位RL總統竟也到場祝賀!!

The President Bill celebrated the triumph of eTaiwan with his people. There were many notables in the crowd, including Mario, Doraemon, Monkey D. Luffy, and ….Oh my! Two RL Taiwan Presidents were there, too!!

【休閒旅遊】【 TRAVEL 】

— 也就Bill總統辦公的地方囉!

The focus of this issue is ‘the eROC President’. Then, let’s see the Presidential Office Building – that’s where Bill work.


“What? How small the Presidential Office Building is!” You must be very surprised to see the Presidential Office Building. Yes, that’s the Presidential Office Building. The Presidential Office Building of eROC is small but beautiful. It represents the Taiwanese spirit -- industrious and thrifty. Do you know how large the Presidential Office Building is? Please see the picture.


Right, the President Chen of RL Taiwan gives us the answer: the size of the Presidential Office Building is around 6.15 m2.
Let’s say it to the President Bill who will work in such a small office that “You Must Be Tired!”


The Presidential Office Building is also a place of historic interest. It was built by Japanese who cultivated eTaiwan. And it was built at the beginning of “the New Era of One Piece.” During the period, eTaiwan was called “City of Water – FORMOSA”, and shared the fame with the marvelous detective “Sherlock HOLMES” in British.
ps. ‘Formosa’ means ‘Beautiful Island.’

(海賊王時代的台灣) (eTaiwan at the New Era of One Piece)


This is the glorious history of eROC. Nowadays, the President Bill will bring his people to another glorious future.
“Aaaaa~ LUCKY!”

【卡通漫畫】【 COMICS 】

【狗伯特 – e台灣國安顧問】



【緋聞八卦】【 GOSSIP 】


One of the mass media explored the romantic story of the President Bill. It also pictured the dating of Bill and a secret girl.
Next is the video offered.

(資料來源:玉山電視台) (Source: YuShan-TV)


As the news' spreading, it shocked the government and the Young Ladies' Society. Everyone wanted to know who the secret and lucky girl was.
Today, we had found out the identity of this girl through special relationship. Her name is "Deal". She was a model for magazines before.

( Deal -- 167cm, 48kg, B89, W57, H82 )

他們相遇時的對話如下 –

Deal 說:"HONEY!" (親愛的!) 《Deal主動上前熱情地給Bill一個大擁抱》
Bill 說:"DO I KNOW YOU? (我認識你嗎?)" 《Bill露出遲疑的表情》
Deal 說:"BILL?" (付錢嗎?)
Bill 說:"DEAL!" (成交!)


You would like to know how they became a couple.
According to unreliable information, Bill met his gossip girl, Deal, when he passed by the gate of GoldXX Jaguar Palace.
This is their first conversation --

Deal said, "HONEY!" (Deal got close to Bill and gave him a big hug.)
Bill said, "DO I KNOW YOU?" (Bill doubted who this girl was.)
Deal said, "BILL?"
Bill said, "DEAL!"

And then, they made love fell in love.


Neighbors near Bill’s home told us that they often saw Deal came in and went out. Besides, somebody mentioned that they had brought a kid happily. No one could confirm whether he is the President Bill’s son or not.

(To obey the Laws of Child Protection, we put black bar on the picture)

→→ 欲知更多Bill總統的秘密,請密切鎖定【玉山冷新聞】!!
→→ To find out more the President’s secrets, please follow YCN!!



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