[YCN] - Another American Civil War? 美國另一次的南北戰爭?

Day 1,195, 05:57 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by ReStar

FOCUS: Congressional Election of eUSA

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YCN 讓你輕鬆掌握最新的世界動態!

Language: English & Chinese(Traditional)

《There Are No Everlasting Friends Nor Everlasting Enemies In The World》
《There Are Only Friends With The Same Interest》


Congressional Elections all over the world finally ended smoothly. In this day, many citizens are concerned about the result of two elections -- One is the congressonal election of their own nations, and the other is that of USA! Why? Because USA is standing at the brink of being PTOed during this congressional election! Who is the dangerous person threatening USA? OMG! You must never believe it! It's her new friend -- Turkey!

誰是威脅美國的危險份子?歐賣尬!你一定不敢相信!是她新交的朋友 -- 土耳其

In an old issue of YCN, we talked about USA's new alliance PANAM, and also about a queer member in PANAM, Turkey. Initially, perhaps only Greece doubted why USA invited Turkey to ally. But now, USA may start to ask herself why to invite Turkey to ally!

YCN has counted for you: In this USA congressional election, the number of total votes is 2273. The number of votes to South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari, the Turk party in USA, is 583. More than 25% of tatal votes in USA! And this party finally got 15 seats of tatally 50. Nearly 1/3!!

舊一期的YCN報導中,我們曾經提過美國新組的聯盟 - PANAM
也提過PANAM中有一個奇怪的成員 - 土耳其

其中South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari這個主要來自土耳其的政黨的得票數是583

In The New World Chronicles, the auther Mark Brennan noted this party, South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari, had getten 31 out of 50 seats in the middle term of this election! Fortunately, Americans noticed the danger soon and encouraged votes to American candidates so that the danger had been reduced some. And he also mentioned the background of this party, INCI, a multi-national, independent group. It has been a political party in Turkey and Greece. Its members had tried to move to UK and Australia, and now have moved into USA for more than one month. Just spending one month, it almost PTOed USA!

The New World Chronicles 的這篇報導當中,
作者 Mark Brennan 注意到這個名為 South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari 的政黨,
INCI 是一個跨國的獨立團體,它曾經是土耳其與希臘的政黨,

Now, there is some arguements in USA media. Members of this party proclaimed that it holds out the olive branch and comes with peace. (related articles: depici, festoz talking) However, some of USA citizens do not believe them and regard they as PTOers. (related articles: The Everyday American, The Norris Times) No matter what the political attitude of this party is, original USA citizens have to think about how to live with this foreign party. In Speedcat McNasty's article in Morituri Te Salutamus, he takes Elephant in the room as an analogy to express Americans' worry to the future of their nation.

(相關文章:depici, festoz talking
(相關文章:The Everyday American, The Norris Times
Morituri Te Salutamus 的文章當中,
作者 Speedcat McNasty 以 房間裡的大象 做為比喻表達美國人對於國家未來的憂心。

After this congressional election, there come a lot of new challenges to USA. Except the worry of being PTOed, the USA government has to face the confrontation from local opposition parties. Outdoor of USA, her old friend, Greece, warned her again about leaving Turkey as soon as possible. Besides, there's also something interesting about INCI's different attitudes to USA. INCI members living in USA try to make friends with Americans, while INCI in Turkey challanged USA on Americans' support to Greece in the war, and also on the meaning of Turkey's being in the PANAM membership list!

在國內除了得擔心被PTO之外,美國政府也必須面對 在野黨的質疑與競爭
INCI in Turkey 則在文中質問美國人為何在戰場上幫希臘的忙,

The above is an interesting graph I found in egov4you.info. In the graph, we can see the amount of Turkish citizenship shrinking for nearly 4000 within the recent one month. Where did those citizens go? To the hell deadly (and bannedly), or to other countries alively? Time will prove it. In the conclusion, PTO is always existing in this eWorld, great nations like USA might not escape by sheer luck! It may be normal and peaceful, but always be shocking! 🙂

上面這個有趣的圖表,是我在 egov4you.info 網站搜尋出來的。
PTO或許是正常且和平的,但它將永遠是令人震驚的! 🙂

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