Lost in Translation

Day 1,193, 17:43 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
EDIT: This article was written the evening of the 25th. At that point the INCI were winning 31 Congress seats.
I would like to thank everyone who helped knock that number down to 14 seats.
We stopped them from gaining a majority, well done guys.
While we were successful, the tips I give here will still apply if this happens again, So I am leaving the article up even though the INCI didn't win a majority this time.

I sit here tonight at my computer and watch the country and community that I have been a part of for two and a half years go up in flames.


It looks as if the Turkish Inci Party (South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari) will win a large number of Congress seats. We are in trouble America. They have stated that they are benevolent and wish to help America. If that is the case, Why would they need to overtake our government? The answer is simple. They plan to make the United States THEIR country. These guys are all coming here from a Turkish forum and are being born in America. There is little we can do to combat this, but we must try. If they manage to win a majority in Congress, our situation will be dire indeed.

I will not sit here and watch us be suddenly overtaken. Here are a few things that we must do to fight back against the PTO of our country.

-Recruit your friends like you never have before. SPAM your referral link in political forums, Facebook, gaming forums, everywhere. Invite players you know from other games you play. We have to grow enough of an active citizen base to outnumber these guys.

-Be vocal in our media. We MUST maintain an American voice in the U.S. media. New players will be lost and confused as to why our media in predominantly Turkish articles written by guys who have a weird fixation on owls. Don't let our new guys become lost in translation.

-Join the top parties. WE must unite. I am from a smaller political party myself, but now it is time to put our petty and trivial differences aside and fight to retake our country. The only way we will be strong enough to combat this is to work together, so kiss and make up.

-Be an active and informed player. Read and follow instructions that the American media publishes. We have to work as a team to overcome this and everyone must know what is going on and be on the same page.

-If you own companies, post a ton of jobs for minimum wage and pay your employees via donation. We cannot allow our tax money to benefit the INCI government. This be absolutely crucial for us to take back our government. Unfortunately, If they win a majority they will likely raise the minimum wage to combat this tactic. So we must do this now. Be sure that your employees understand what is going on here and get them to take notice.

-Work for and buy from American companies. We have to do everything we can to deny the PTOers financial support. Work with high health and be prepared and willing to adapt to a commune style of playing, be willing to work for donations.

United we stand, divided we fall. The next few months will be hell if this PTO goes south, but if we work as a team, America will prevail.

-Joe DaSmoe

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